JAKARTA: The government will issue a global sukuk in the quarter III/2011 with an indicative target of a maximum of U.S. $ 1 billion.
"Global Sukuk will be issued in the third quarter, the process (preparation) has already started. Our plan will raise funds through sukuk global reach up to about U.S. $ 1 billion, maximum," said Finance Minister Agus D. W. Martowardojo now open along with the media, this afternoon. (source)
"Global Sukuk will be issued in the third quarter, the process (preparation) has already started. Our plan will raise funds through sukuk global reach up to about U.S. $ 1 billion, maximum," said Finance Minister Agus D. W. Martowardojo now open along with the media, this afternoon. (source)
He said the government had appointed three underwriters for the success of the global sukuk issuance. "Then we'll choose three undewriter to the process. Duration (tenor) sukuk we can not convey global now. "(FAA)
Pemerintah bidik target indikatif sukuk global US$1 miliar

JAKARTA : Pemerintah akan menerbitkan sukuk global pada kuartal III/2011 dengan target indikatif maksimal US$1 miliar.
"Sukuk global akan terbit pada kuartal III, proses (persiapan) ini sudah dimulai. Rencananya kami akan menghimpun dana melalui global sukuk kira-kira sampai US$ 1 miliar, maksimumnya," ujar Menteri Keuangan Agus D. W. Martowardojo saat buka bersama dengan media, sore ini.
Menurutnya, pemerintah telah menunjuk tiga penjamin emisi untuk menyukseskan penerbitan sukuk global tersebut. "Terus kami sudah akan memilih tiga undewriter untuk prosesnya. Jangka waktu (tenor) sukuk
global kami tidak bisa sampaikan sekarang." (faa)
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