Friday, September 16, 2011

INDONESIA - BANKING - Sinarmas Syariah delays spin off

JAKARTA-business unit Sinarmas Tbk PT Bank Syariah postpone plans to separate business with the parent (spin off) until 2015 because of the constraints of human resources (HR) and technological systems.

"We really had planned spin off in 2012, but after re-evaluate the whole preparation, it turns out there are still many obstacles in terms of human resources and technology systems," said Director of Bank Syariah Sinarmas Heru Agus Wuryanto after signing a cooperation agreement with PT Al-Ijarah Indonesia Finance (Alif ) here on Thursday. (source)

Heru said Sinarmas Islamic Bank will conduct prior to the revised work plan (road map) spin off prior to submission to Bank Indonesia (BI). "There is still much to be revised, so the possibility of its road map will be submitted to the Bank no later than the end of this year," he said.

 Heru added human resources is the main cause of the resignation plans spin off as many of Sinarmas Islamic banker who moved to another bank. (gor / ant)
Bank Sinarmas Syariah Tunda Spin Off

JAKARTA- Unit usaha Syariah PT Bank Sinarmas Tbk menunda rencana pemisahan usaha dengan induk (spin off) hingga 2015 karena adanya hambatan sumber daya manusia (SDM) dan sistem teknologi.

"Kami memang sempat merencanakan spin off pada 2012, namun setelah mengevaluasi ulang seluruh persiapannya, ternyata masih ada banyak kendala dari segi SDM dan sistem teknologi," kata Direktur Bank Sinarmas Syariah Heru Agus Wuryanto usai penandatanganan perjanjian kerjasama dengan PT Al Ijarah Indonesia Finance (Alif) di Jakarta, Kamis.

Heru mengatakan, Bank Sinarmas Syariah akan melakukan revisi terlebih dahulu terhadap rencana kerja (road map) spin off sebelum diserahkan kepada Bank Indonesia (BI).  "Masih banyak yang harus direvisi, jadi kemungkinan road map-nya akan diserahkan ke BI paling lambat akhir tahun ini," katanya.

Heru menambahkan SDM merupakan penyebab utama mundurnya rencana spin off karena banyak bankir syariah dari Sinarmas yang pindah ke bank lain. (gor/ant)

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