Tuesday, December 20, 2011

INDONESIA - BANKING - Saving money at the Post Office With Muamalat

Jakarta (19/12) - Post Office is now known not only serve the delivery of mail. Moreover, the Post Office can serve the package delivery, payment of electricity bill, telephone bill payments, and even sharia-based savings service.

Muamalat Postal Savings is an offering of Bank Muamalat for people who regularly transact at the Post Office and want to enjoy the services of Sharia-compliant savings. These savings are for individuals aged 18 years and over. (source)

A variety of excellent features available in these savings, including free administrative costs, can make deposits at the Post Office (SOPP), a free account closing fee, free transfers between accounts Muamalat in all services (except in the ATM BCA / Prima, Shared ATM) as well as limit cash withdrawals of up to Rp 10 million / day.

These savings are managed based on sharia principles with mudharabah muthlaqah (profit sharing), ATM cash withdrawals at all Muamalat, ATM BCA / Prima, Shared ATM, balances with minimum initial deposit of USD 40.00 next: Rp 10,000 and administrative costs Rp 2,000 (average balance The average <Rp 100,000).

Through the Postal Savings, the public can feel the benefits of getting the card Shar-E Pos, phonebanking transaction facility 24 hours, facilities MobileBanking and PC Banking, Shar-e card facility that serves as an ATM & debit cards, get a monthly profit sharing, online at all outlets of Bank Muamalat, zakat payment options, and shodaqoh infaq automatic, telephone bill payments, purchase of mobile elektronikserta pulse is very safe and secure.

With ID card or driver's license or valid passport, Letter submissions from organizations or associations as responsible, and the opening deposit of Rp 50,000, the public can enjoy the convenience of saving the sharia in the Post Office. (Ul)

Menabung di Kantor Pos Dengan Muamalat

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Jakarta (19/12)- Kantor Pos kini dikenal tak hanya melayani pengiriman surat. Lebih dari itu, Kantor Pos dapat melayani pengiriman paket, pembayaran tagihan rekening listrik, pembayaran tagihan rekening telepon, dan bahkan layanan tabungan berbasis syariah.

Adalah Tabungan Muamalat Pos sebuah persembahan dari Bank Muamalat bagi masyarakat yang rutin bertransaksi di Kantor Pos dan ingin menikmati layanan tabungan berbasis syariah. Tabungan ini diperuntukkan bagi perorangan  usia 18 tahun ke atas.

Berbagai fitur unggulan tersedia dalam tabungan ini, diantaranya gratis biaya administrasi, dapat melakukan penyetoran di Kantor Pos (SOPP), gratis biaya penutupan rekening, transfer gratis antar rekening Bank Muamalat di semua layanan (kecuali di ATM BCA/ Prima, ATM Bersama) serta limit tarik tunai hingga Rp 10 Juta/ hari.

Tabungan ini dikelola berdasarkan prinsip syariah dengan akad mudharabah muthlaqah (bagi hasil), penarikan tunai di seluruh ATM Muamalat, ATM BCA/ Prima, ATM Bersama, saldo perdana Rp 40.00 dengan minimum setoran berikutnya : Rp 10.000 dan biaya administrasi : Rp 2.000 (saldo rata-rata < Rp 100.000).

Melalui Tabungan Pos,masyarakat bisa merasakan manfaat mendapatkan kartu Shar-E Pos, fasilitas transaksi PhoneBanking 24 Jam,fasilitas MobileBanking dan PC Banking, fasilitas Kartu SHAR-e yang berfungsi sebagai kartu ATM & debit, mendapatkan bagi hasil bulanan, online di seluruh outlet Bank Muamalat,pilihan pembayaran zakat, infaq dan shodaqoh otomatis, pembayaran rekening telepon, pembelian pulsa selular elektronikserta sangat aman dan terjamin.

Dengan KTP atau SIM atau Paspor yang masih berlaku, Surat pengajuan dari organisasi atau perkumpulan selaku penanggungjawab, dan setoran pembukaan Rp 50.000, masyarakat dapat menikmati kemudahan menabung secara syariah di Kantor Pos.(ul)

Source :  http://www.pkesinteraktif.com/berita/87-advertorial/3115-menabung-di-kantor-pos-dengan-muamalat.html - Dec 19, 2011 - google translate

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