However, there are a number of homework that requires a commitment from the regulator to be completed soon along with industry
"Indonesia is now in the process of transition OJK [the Financial Services Authority]. Commitment of the people who sit in the OJK is very influential on the development of Islamic banking in the future, "said Fauzi Yuslam, Managing Director of Bank Syariah Mandiri, Sunday, March 25, 2012. (source)
He explained Malaysia managed to increase its market share of Islamic banking by nearly 20%, driven by government support. One form of support is the placement of government-owned funds in Islamic banks.
Yuslam judge there are two things that must be fought by OJK, the first equality (equal treatment) between conventional and Islamic banking, especially in tax and secondly, about the products.
In equity, he assessed the results of the tax savings in Islamic banks should be lower than the conventional. Is essentially deposits in Islamic banks use profit sharing amounts fluctuate compared to the conventional fixed rate
"In the science of finance is an investment with a reasonable rate of return fluctuate get lower taxes with a fixed outcome," explained Yuslam newly elected Chairman of the Sharia Bank Association of Indonesia (Asbisindo).
Yuslam adding Islamic banking is still difficult to compete with conventional because it does not have a product that has been owned by a conventional bank, such as margin during construction (MDC), otherwise known as interest during construction (IDC) in the conventional world.
Investment financing products are attractive to customers because during the process of construction projects in progress, debtors enough to pay margin. Upon project completion and make a profit then repaid the loan principal can begin.
MDC products are typically used to finance new oil projects that require time before active production.
"We need a commitment to be born of agricultural financing products are suitable for Islamic banking."
Availability of HR
Bambang Widjanarko, Business Director of PT Bank Negara Indonesia Sharia, assess the most important problems to be solved ileh regulator and the government is the availability of human resources to support industrial expansion.
During this time, he continued, the industry felt the lack of sufficient human resources, especially for level supervisor, branch chief, and finance analyst.
"As long as there is support from BI or OJK quite optimistic we will grow rapidly."
Halim Alamsyah, BI Deputy Governor, to project the Islamic banking industry could have a market share of 15% in the next 10 years could experience if such a steady growth in recent years.
"We are projecting in the next 5 years the market share could reach 10%. Add 5 years to reach 15%. It's not impossible if the Islamic banking can grow like 5 years, "he said last week.
He explained in the last 5 years the Islamic banking industry could achieve a growth of 40.5% per year. The growth was two times faster than conventional banking so that its market share continues to increase in recent years.
However, according to him, there are three problems to be addressed in order to accelerate the growth of the industry, namely the quantity and quality of human resources, increase product innovation and competitive service and specificity based danbterakhir socialization program for community sustainability.
Until now the assets of Islamic banking industry still has a market share of below 4% compared to the overall national banks. Both central bank and agents expect the market share of Islamic banks could reach 5% in recent years.
However, that desire can not be realized even if the assets of Islamic banking is getting closer to the target. (Ea)
BANKIR BANK SYARIAH bicara pertumbuhan industri
JAKARTA: Sejumlah bankir syariah menilai proyeksi Bank Indonesia yang memperkirakan aset industri perbankan syariah akan mencapai 15% pada 10 tahun mendatang bukanlah hal yang berlebihan.
Meski demikian, ada sejumlah pekerjaan rumah yang membutuhkan komitmen dari regulator untuk diselesaikan segera bersama dengan industri
“Indonesia sekarang berada pada proses transisi OJK [Otoritas Jasa Keuangan]. Komitmen orang-orang yang duduk di OJK sangat berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan perbankan syariah ke depan,” ujar Yuslam Fauzi, Direktur Utama Bank Syariah Mandiri, Minggu 25 Maret 2012.
Dia menjelaskan Malaysia berhasil meningkatkan pangsa pasar perbankan syariah hingga hampir 20%, karena didorong oleh dukungan pemerintah. Salah satu bentuk dukungannya adalah penempatan dana milik pemerintah di bank syariah.
Yuslam menilai ada dua hal yang harus diperjuangkan oleh OJK, yakni pertama kesetaraan (equal treatment) antara perbankan syariah dan konvensional terutama dalam pajak dan kedua, tentang produk.
Dalam kesetaraan tersebut, dia menilai pajak dari hasil simpanan di bank syariah seharusnya lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan konvensional. Dasarnya adalah simpanan di bank syariah menggunakan bagi hasil yang jumlahnya fluktuatif dibandingkan dengan bunga tetap di konvensional
“Dalam ilmu keuangan sudah wajar apabila investasi dengan tingkat hasil fluktuatif mendapatkan pajak lebih rendah dengan hasil yang tetap,” jelas Yuslam yang baru saja terpilih sebagai Ketua Umum Asosiasi Bank Syariah Indonesia (Asbisindo).
Yuslam menambahkan perbankan syariah saat ini masih sulit bersaing dengan konvensional karena belum memiliki produk yang telah dimiliki oleh bank konvensional, seperti margin during construction (MDC) atau dikenal sebagai interest during construction (IDC) di dunia konvensional.
Produk pembiayaan investasi ini menarik bagi nasabah karena selama proses proyek pembangunan berlangsung, debitur cukup membayar margin. Setelah proyek selesai dan menghasilkan keuntungan maka pokok pinjaman bisa mulai dicicil.
Produk MDC tersebut biasanya digunakan untuk pembiayaan proyek perkebunan baru yang membutuhkan waktu sebelum aktif berproduksi.
“Kami perlu komitmen agar bisa lahir produk pembiayaan pertanian yang cocok bagi perbankan syariah.”
Ketersediaan SDM
Bambang Widjanarko, Direktur Bisnis PT Bank Negara Indonesia Syariah, menilai masalah terpenting yang harus diselesaikan ileh regulator dan pemerintah adalah ketersediaan sumber daya manusia guna mendukung ekspansi industri.
Selama ini, lanjutnya, industri cukup merasakan kekurangan SDM terutama untuk level penyelia, pimpinan cabang, dan analis pembiayaan.
“Sepanjang ada dukungan dari BI atau OJK kami cukup optimis akan berkembang cepat.”
Halim Alamsyah, Deputi Gubernur BI, memproyeksi industri perbankan syariah bisa memiliki pangsa pasar sebesar 15% pada 10 tahun mendatang apabila bisa mengalami pertumbuhan yang stabil seperti beberapa tahun terakhir.
“Kami memproyeksi dalam 5 tahun ke depan pangsa pasar bisa mencapai 10%. Tambah 5 tahun lagi bisa mencapai 15%. Ini bukan hal yang mustahil apabila perbankan syariah bisa tumbuh seperti 5 tahun terakhir,” ujarnya pekan lalu.
Dia menjelaskan dalam 5 tahun terakhir industri perbankan syariah bisa mencapai pertumbuhan sebesar 40,5% per tahun. Pertumbuhan tersebut dua kali lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan perbankan konvensional sehingga pangsa pasarnya terus meningkat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir.
Meski demikian, menurut dia, ada tiga permasalahan yang harus diselesaikan guna mengakselerasi pertumbuhan industri, yakni kuantitas dan kualitas sumber daya manusia, peningkatan inovasi produk dan layanan yang kompetitif serta berbasis kekhususan danbterakhir keberlangsungan program sosialiasi ke masyarakat.
Hingga saat ini aset industri perbankan syariah masih memiliki pangsa pasar di bawah 4% dibandingkan dengan keseluruhan perbankan nasional. Baik bank sentral dan pelaku bank syariah mengharapkan pangsa pasar dapat mencapai 5% dalam beberapa tahun terakhir.
Namun, keinginan tersebut belum bisa terwujud meskipun aset perbankan syariah semakin mendekati target tersebut. (ea)
Source: JAKARTA: A number of Islamic bankers to assess an estimated projection of Bank Indonesia Islamic banking industry assets will reach 15% in the next 10 years is not excessive. However, there are a number of homework that requires a commitment from the regulator to be completed soon along with industry "Indonesia is now in the process of transition OJK [the Financial Services Authority]. Commitment of the people who sit in the OJK is very influential on the development of Islamic banking in the future, "said Fauzi Yuslam, Managing Director of Bank Syariah Mandiri, Sunday, March 25, 2012. He explained Malaysia managed to increase its market share of Islamic banking by nearly 20%, driven by government support. One form of support is the placement of government-owned funds in Islamic banks. Yuslam judge there are two things that must be fought by OJK, the first equality (equal treatment) between conventional and Islamic banking, especially in tax and secondly, about the products. In equity, he assessed the results of the tax savings in Islamic banks should be lower than the conventional. Is essentially deposits in Islamic banks use profit sharing amounts fluctuate compared to the conventional fixed rate "In the science of finance is an investment with a reasonable rate of return fluctuate get lower taxes with a fixed outcome," explained Yuslam newly elected Chairman of the Sharia Bank Association of Indonesia (Asbisindo). Yuslam adding Islamic banking is still difficult to compete with conventional because it does not have a product that has been owned by a conventional bank, such as margin during construction (MDC), otherwise known as interest during construction (IDC) in the conventional world. Investment financing products are attractive to customers because during the process of construction projects in progress, debtors enough to pay margin. Upon project completion and make a profit then repaid the loan principal can begin. MDC products are typically used to finance new oil projects that require time before active production. "We need a commitment to be born of agricultural financing products are suitable for Islamic banking." Availability of HR Bambang Widjanarko, Business Director of PT Bank Negara Indonesia Sharia, assess the most important problems to be solved ileh regulator and the government is the availability of human resources to support industrial expansion. During this time, he continued, the industry felt the lack of sufficient human resources, especially for level supervisor, branch chief, and finance analyst. "As long as there is support from BI or OJK quite optimistic we will grow rapidly." Halim Alamsyah, BI Deputy Governor, to project the Islamic banking industry could have a market share of 15% in the next 10 years could experience if such a steady growth in recent years. "We are projecting in the next 5 years the market share could reach 10%. Add 5 years to reach 15%. It's not impossible if the Islamic banking can grow like 5 years, "he said last week. He explained in the last 5 years the Islamic banking industry could achieve a growth of 40.5% per year. The growth was two times faster than conventional banking so that its market share continues to increase in recent years. However, according to him, there are three problems to be addressed in order to accelerate the growth of the industry, namely the quantity and quality of human resources, increase product innovation and competitive service and specificity based danbterakhir socialization program for community sustainability. Until now the assets of Islamic banking industry still has a market share of below 4% compared to the overall national banks. Both central bank and agents expect the market share of Islamic banks could reach 5% in recent years. However, that desire can not be realized even if the assets of Islamic banking is getting closer to the target. (Ea) - March 25, 2012 - google translate
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