www.reuters.com - May 9 (Reuters) - Indonesia's finance
ministry sold 755 billion rupiah ($82.11 million) from an additional
sukuk auction on Wednesday, said the debt office which gave no target
for the auction.
The ministry sold the six-month sharia T-bill with a
weighted average yield at 3.82887 percent and a 1.26
bid-to-cover ratio. (source)
The ministry raised 1.015 trillion rupiah in a sukuk auction
on Tuesday.
For a table of Tuesday's sukuk auction results see:
($1 = 9,195 rupiah)
(Reporting by Rieka Rahadiana; Editing by Matthew Bigg)
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/05/09/indonesia-economy-sukuk-idUSL4E8G946520120509 - May 9, 2012
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