Tuesday, May 29, 2012

INDONESIA - HALAL - CEROL launch-SS23000; Halal Certification Services Online Fast, And Transparent

www.halalmui.org - Jakarta - Research Institute for Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI LPPOM) launches Online Certification Service System (CEROL-SS) 23000, on May 24, 2012 in Jakarta. Code number 23 000 on the momentum of this system shows that the MUI LPPOM Milad-23 when the system was developed and launched.
"This system is designed to be able to provide halal certification services with the concept of fast, easy, transparent but still accurate," said Director of LPPOM MUI, Ir. Lukmanul Hakim, M.Sc., in his speech at the Launching (launch) system, which was attended by government officials staeholder of halal-related, such as POM, businessmen from companies that have filed a new and halal certification. (source)

Any Time, Anywhere
He explained again, quickly means that the certification process with a web-based online system can be carried out quickly as well as easy. The company may submit applications for halal certification process (SH) at any time and from anywhere, without having to come directly to the office LPPOM MUI. "In principle, any time and anywhere, and its application took place in real time," he said.
While transparency means the company can know the progress or the progress of the registration process and SH filing is done, and the steps that take place in sekuential. Ie a sequence of one step to the next step. No jumping process. And the company can figure out what the obstacles encountered in the steps that halal certification process. And data collection took place in an accurate, because the company itself which fills all the accreditation forms / form with a computer program. So that errors or product names of writing ang materials used, would be avoided.
In addition to the launch of the SS CEROL-23000, also presented the Annual Agenda LPPOM MUI, INDHEX 2012, which will be held from 5-8 July 2012. After the success of Indonesia Halal Expo (INDHEX) in 2011 and then, LPPOM MUI re-establish the largest halal exhibition in Indonesia, INDHEX 2012. The event theme is "Halal is My Life", and is scheduled to be held in Exhibition Hall SMESCO Building, Jakarta.
A wide range of halal products will be widely disseminated to the community, along with a variety of events. Among them: Halal Slaughtering Workshop, Workshop on Halal Certification, Halal cooking contest, sticker design contest themed "Halal is My Life", also nge-blog competition with the theme "Let's Eat Halal Products".
In this event will be held Halal Business Forum where the manufacturer, supplier, and distributor of halal products can meet face to face to build relationships and develop their business. Forum is once again become an arena to exchange ideas in the global trading strategy that made lawful the selling point. (Usm).

Peluncuran CEROL-SS23000; Layanan Sertifikasi Halal Online Cepat, Dan Transparan
Jakarta – Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan, Obat-obatan, dan Kosmetika Majelis Ulama Indonesia (LPPOM MUI) meluncurkan Certification Online Service System (CEROL-SS) 23000, pada 24 Mei 2012 di Jakarta. Angka 23000 pada kode sistim ini menunjukkan momentum tahun Milad LPPOM MUI yang ke-23 saat sistim ini disusun dan diluncurkan.
“Sistim ini dirancang untuk dapat memberikan layanan sertifikasi halal dengan konsep cepat,mudah, transparan namun tetap akurat,” ujar Direktur LPPOM MUI,  Ir. Lukmanul Hakim, M.Si., dalam sambutannya pada acara Launching (peluncuran) sistim yang dihadiri oleh para staeholder dari kalangan pejabat pemerintah yang terkait halal, seperti Badan POM, pengusaha dari perusahaan yang telah maupun baru mengajukan sertifikasi halal. 
Any Time, Anywhere
Dijelaskannya lagi, cepat berarti proses sertifikasi dengan sistim online berbasis web ini dapat dilangsungkan dengan cepat sekaligus mudah. Pihak perusahaan dapat mengajukan pendaftaran untuk proses sertifikasi halal (SH) kapan pun dan dari manapun juga, tanpa harus datang langsung ke kantor LPPOM MUI. “Prinsipnya, any time and anywhere, dan aplikasinya dilangsungkan real time,” tandasnya. 
Sedangkan transparan artinya perusahaan dapat mengetahui progres atau kemajuan dari proses pendaftaran dan pengajuan SH yang dilakukan, dan langkah-langkah itu berlangsung secara sekuential. Yakni berurutan dari satu langkah kepada langkah berikutnya. Tidak ada jumping proses. Dan pihak perusahaan dapat mengetahui kendala apa yang dihadapi dalam langkah-langkah proses sertifikasi halal itu. Dan pendataan dilangsungkan secara akurat, karena pihak perusahaan sendiri yang mengisi semua borang/form dengan progam komputer. Sehingga kesalahan penulisan nama produk atau bahan ang digunakan, tentu dapat dihindarkan.
Selain peluncuran CEROL-SS 23000, dikemukakan pula Agenda Tahunan LPPOM MUI, INDHEX 2012, yang akan dilangsungkan pada 5-8 Juli 2012. Setelah sukses dengan Indonesia Halal Expo (INDHEX) tahun 2011 lalu, LPPOM MUI kembali melangsungkan pameran halal terbesar di Indonesia, INDHEX 2012. Gelaran ini mengusung tema “Halal is My Life”, dan rencananya akan diadakan di Gedung SMESCO Exhibition Hall, Jakarta.
Berbagai macam produk halal akan disosialisasikan pada masyarakat secara luas, beserta beragam acara. Diantaranya: Workshop Slaughtering Halal, Workshop Sertifikasi Halal, lomba masak halal, lomba disain stiker bertema “Halal is My Life”, juga lomba nge-blog dengan tema “Ayo Mengkonsumsi Produk Halal”.
Dalam acara ini juga akan diadakan Halal Business Forum dimana para produsen, supplier, dan juga distributor produk halal bisa bertemu secara langsung untuk menjalin hubungan dan mengembangkan bisnis masing-masing. Forum ini sekaligus menjadi ajang bertukar pikiran dalam menyusun strategi perdagangan global yang menjadikan halal sebagai selling point. (Usm).

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