March 8-10 2011 Nikko Hotel, CBD Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA
The next conference on the Foundations of Islamic Finance Series is being sponsored by leading institutions well known for training, practice and research on Islamic Finance. You are invited to participate in the second Foundations of Islamic Finance Conference with the theme "Islamic Banking Products: Theory, Practice & Issues". The first Symposium held in May 2010 in Dubai was well received by the industry resulting in a manuscript to be published internationally: the book has 13 well-researched chapters written by eminent practitioners and scholars on the theme "Sukuk Securities: Theory, Practice and Issues".
This event is a joint effort by tertiary institutions and top industry players to create public discussion and authentic literature for the industry and for universities.
Professionals and scholars need to attend this and the ensuing conferences in the years ahead to keep abreast of the literature being created. The main focus of the 2011 Conference is to generate a series of publications based on contributions from scholars, regulators, and industry players on Islamic Banking more narrowly focusing on Islamic banking products:
- Banking: Framework of maqasid al-Shariah & Related Issues
- Banking: Product structuring, instruments & innovation
- Banking: Issues of Shariah Laws, Regulation and Compliance
- Banking: Accounting, legal and regulatory issues
- Banking: Risk management & Treasury operation
For more information, please see the page "Call for papers and Participation", see:
The aim of this research-based series is to encourage open discussion leading to quality publications: authentic books, refereed journal articles, doctoral proposal discussions and conference proceedings. All papers will be carefully peer-reviewed by practitioners and scholars in order to provide a forum for advancing this new niche Islamic finance being taught in tertiary institutions.
Islamic Finance has grown rapidly over its short 50-year history. The total assets managed by some 500 institutions amount to US$ 3,000 to US$ 4,000 billion in 76 countries.
With about two-thirds of the markets being managed in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur has emerged as the major hub for Islamic financial markets although there are six other sizeable markets elsewhere.
The conference series is sponsored by: Graduate School of Management, University Putra Malaysia; Association of Islamic Banks Malaysia; International Center of Excellence in Islamic Finance (INCEIF); International Shariah Research Academy for Islamic Finance; and Malaysian Islamic Financial Center.
The chief guest giving the keynote is very likely to be from the Bank Negara Malaysia (central Bank). Prof Abbas Mirakhor, formerly of IMF, is an expert on Islamic Finance,will deliver a keynote speech on day 2 of the conference.
The following industry professionals and scholars have agreed to participate:
Industry Experts:
- Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia (invitation pending confirmation)
- Dr Abbas Mirakhor (INCEIF-ISRA formerly IMF)
- Prof Bambang Permadi Brodjonegoro (Islamic Development Bank)
- Mr. Mohd Rithuan Dato' Mohd Shamsudin (Executive Director Association of Islamic Banking Institutions Malaysia)
- Mr. Meor Amri Meor Ayob (CEO, Bond Pricing Agency)
- Dr. Yeah Kim Leng (Group Chief Economist, Rating Agency of Malaysia)
- Mr. Peter Casey (Director of Policy and Head of Islamic Finance, Dubai)
- Dr. Nasser Saidi (Chief Economist, DIFC, Dubai)
- Prof. Norredine Karchene (INCEIF, formerly IMF)
- Mr. Syed Alwi (Director of Origination, Standard
Chartered Saadiq)
- Prof. Syed O. Alhabsi (Chief of Academic Affairs, INCEIF)
- Emeritus Prof. Rodney Wilson (Qatar Foundation and University of Durham: pending confirmation)
- Prof. Munawar Iqbal (ex IDB and Dean of Faculty of Islamic Banking and Finance)
- Prof. Mervyn Lewis (Chair in Banking, Australia)
- Prof. Obiyathulla I Bacha (Head Postgraduate Studies,NCEIF)
- Dr. Akram Laldin (Executive Director, ISRA)
- Dr. Asyraf Wajdi (Head of Research Affairs, ISRA)
- Prof. Abdullah Saeed (Sultan Qaboos Chair, University of Melbourne Centre of Excellence in Islamic Studies)
- Prof. Michael Skully (Chair in Banking, Australia)
- Prof. Murat Cizakca (Distinguished Chair Prof at INCEIF)
- Dr. Paul S Parashar (Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance)
- Dr. Mansoor Khan (Researcher, university staff,Australia)
- Prof. Zubair Hassan (Scholar, INCEIF)
- Mr. Aderi Adnan (Director, Islamic Finance, DIFC)
Several more eminent industry practitioners and scholars will be involved, and their invitations are pending decision.
The conference will be held at the Nikko Hotel in the CBD, Kuala Lumpur. The conference will start with an opening reception in the evening of Monday March 7, 2011. The conference proper will be on 8 March with a keynote speech by a central banker. On 9 March, a panel session will discuss all the commissioned papers for the book. A doctoral colloquium will discuss the best selected papers on 10 March, 2011.
Twenty papers accepted for the conference will be published as best papers in two leading journals in finance. The commissioned papers, after review and revisions, will be edited and published by a reputable publishing house as the next volume of a research book on Islamic Finance: each conference leads to one research book. All the accepted papers will be collated and edited as a non-copyrighted Book of Proceedings to be sent to leading universities across the world (authors can decline articles being included in the proceedings book).
The submission deadline is Friday January 14, 2011. Paper writer(s) will be notified of the International Review Committee's decision by end January. The registration fee is US$240 (payable as RM 750) collected through credit card authorisation via the web site. The conference papers, if found to be relevant, may be considered for inclusion in the book as a commissioned paper. The conference participation fee includes the welcome reception on March 7, morning drinks and lunch on March 8 and 9 with a dinner on March 8.
The submission deadline for doctoral papers is Friday 7 January, 2011. Doctoral proposals will be considered by a panel of professors before being accepted. Doctoral proposal should be made as per the instructions to be posted soon in the website. The proposals can be on any topic within the Islamic Finance area.
Paper submissions, see:
Inquiries about the conference may be sent to:
CONTACT: Prof Shamsher Mohamad
Tel: +(603) 8946 7433
Chartered Saadiq)
- Prof. Syed O. Alhabsi (Chief of Academic Affairs, INCEIF)
- Emeritus Prof. Rodney Wilson (Qatar Foundation and University of Durham: pending confirmation)
- Prof. Munawar Iqbal (ex IDB and Dean of Faculty of Islamic Banking and Finance)
- Prof. Mervyn Lewis (Chair in Banking, Australia)
- Prof. Obiyathulla I Bacha (Head Postgraduate Studies,NCEIF)
- Dr. Akram Laldin (Executive Director, ISRA)
- Dr. Asyraf Wajdi (Head of Research Affairs, ISRA)
- Prof. Abdullah Saeed (Sultan Qaboos Chair, University of Melbourne Centre of Excellence in Islamic Studies)
- Prof. Michael Skully (Chair in Banking, Australia)
- Prof. Murat Cizakca (Distinguished Chair Prof at INCEIF)
- Dr. Paul S Parashar (Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance)
- Dr. Mansoor Khan (Researcher, university staff,Australia)
- Prof. Zubair Hassan (Scholar, INCEIF)
- Mr. Aderi Adnan (Director, Islamic Finance, DIFC)
Several more eminent industry practitioners and scholars will be involved, and their invitations are pending decision.
The conference will be held at the Nikko Hotel in the CBD, Kuala Lumpur. The conference will start with an opening reception in the evening of Monday March 7, 2011. The conference proper will be on 8 March with a keynote speech by a central banker. On 9 March, a panel session will discuss all the commissioned papers for the book. A doctoral colloquium will discuss the best selected papers on 10 March, 2011.
Twenty papers accepted for the conference will be published as best papers in two leading journals in finance. The commissioned papers, after review and revisions, will be edited and published by a reputable publishing house as the next volume of a research book on Islamic Finance: each conference leads to one research book. All the accepted papers will be collated and edited as a non-copyrighted Book of Proceedings to be sent to leading universities across the world (authors can decline articles being included in the proceedings book).
The submission deadline is Friday January 14, 2011. Paper writer(s) will be notified of the International Review Committee's decision by end January. The registration fee is US$240 (payable as RM 750) collected through credit card authorisation via the web site. The conference papers, if found to be relevant, may be considered for inclusion in the book as a commissioned paper. The conference participation fee includes the welcome reception on March 7, morning drinks and lunch on March 8 and 9 with a dinner on March 8.
The submission deadline for doctoral papers is Friday 7 January, 2011. Doctoral proposals will be considered by a panel of professors before being accepted. Doctoral proposal should be made as per the instructions to be posted soon in the website. The proposals can be on any topic within the Islamic Finance area.
Paper submissions, see:
Inquiries about the conference may be sent to:
CONTACT: Prof Shamsher Mohamad
Tel: +(603) 8946 7433
Email: shamsher57@yahoo.com
CONTACT: Prof Murali Sambasivan
Tel: +(603) 8943 7703
Email: murali@econ.upm.edu.my
CONTACT: Ms Siti Badarny Hassan
Tel: +(603) 8946 7723
Email: badamy@putra.upm.edu.my
CONTACT: Mohamed Ariff
Email: mariff@bond.edu.au
Tel: +(617) 5595 2296
CONTACT: Shamsher M.
Email: shamsher57@yahoo.com
Tel: +(603) 8946 7431
POSTAL: Graduate School of Business
University Putra Malaysia
43400 Serdang, Selangor DE
Fax: +(603) 8943 4019
Source : http://sgsm4.upm.edu.my/islamic_conference/index
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