Tuesday, November 02, 2010

TOURISM - Half a million Muslim tourists for Malaysia next year

Malaysia aims to attract 500,000 Muslim travellers by the end of next year, said Tourism Malaysia deputy director general for marketing A. Amirrudin.

According to him, arrivals from the Middle East are expected to reach 300,000 this year.
The tea plantation at Cameron Highlands, Pahang offers peace and tranquility unrivaled anywhere in West Malaysia.
Tourism Malaysia was trying to position the country as a favoured destination for the Muslims through marketing and promotion campaigns, and by providing more Syariah-compliant services and products in the country, he added.
Amiruddin said the Muslim population was expected to grow to 2.03 billion by 2016, and Syariah-compliant products and services were forecast to generate some US$2 trillion annually.
“This is a huge market which we should not overlook. Efforts must be strenghtened to tap into this huge market,” he told Bernama at the 1st International Islamic Tourism Conference and Travel Mart here today.
Amirrudin said that tourist arrivals from the Middle East have been increasing for the past ten years, from 115,573 tourists in 2001 to 284,890 last year.
This sector generated some RM1.4 billion (US$0.47b) in revenue for the tourism coffers last year, he added.
He said there are some 200 hotels nationwide that are Syariah-compliant.

Source :  http://halalmedia.my/2010/11/01/half-a-million-muslim-tourists-for-malaysia-next-year/#utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+GlobalHalalMediaPortal+%28HalalMedia%29 - Nov 1, 2010

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