Jakarta (20 / 7) - release of discourse will be the establishment of state owned enterprise (BUMN) by the government not to Shariah-based bank that was well received by various parties, including the Bank Indonesia (BI) as the central bank.
It expressed the Director of Bank Indonesia Sharia Banking Directorate, Mulya Siregar on the sidelines of the event Join the High Level Conference on Islamic Finance in Jakarta on Monday (18 / 7). "We are happy if it will be sharia BUMN bank," he said. (source)
BI itself did not induce the government to set up the bank due to Ministry of Shipbuilding in region. BI will only support it because it will increase the market share of Islamic Banking is currently 3 percent. "We do not encourage the government but we are very welcome, and most likely will increase the Sharia banking market share," toilet. (ul)
BI “Bahagia” Jika Ada Bank BUMN Syariah

Hal tersebut diungkapkan Direktur Direktorat Perbankan Syariah Bank Indonesia, Mulya Siregar di sela-sela acara Join High Level Conference on Islamic Finance di Jakarta, Senin (18/7). “Kami bahagia jika memang akan ada bank BUMN syariah,” ujarnya.
BI sendiri memang tidak akan mendorong pemerintah untuk segera mendirikan bank tersebut karena masuk wilayah Kementerian BUMN. BI hanya mendukung akan hal itu karena akan dapat menambah market share perbankan syariah yang saat ini masih 3 persen. “Kami tidak akan mendorong pemerintah tapi kami sangat welcome, karena kemungkinan besar akan menambah market share perbankan syariah,” tandasnya. (ul)
Source : http://www.pkesinteraktif.com/bisnis/perbankan-syariah/2737-bi-bahagia-jika-ada-bank-bumn-syariah.html- July 20, 2011 - google translate
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