Jakarta (17 / 7). Although it's too late, finally the organization of Islamic finance experts who are members of the Association of Indonesian Islamic Economics (IAEI) will host the 2nd Conference in Jakarta on July 30, 2011.
Secretary General of the IAEI, IAEI Agustianto said that the conference aims to choose a new chairman and board in the period 2011 to 2015. With the new management, the Agustianto hope that the organization can freely IAEI in developing Islamic financial services. (source)
Secretary General of the IAEI, IAEI Agustianto said that the conference aims to choose a new chairman and board in the period 2011 to 2015. With the new management, the Agustianto hope that the organization can freely IAEI in developing Islamic financial services. (source)
During this time he said, the IAEI has sought to develop in the management of Islamic banking had previously been made of economic development blueprint for sharia in Indonesia. Beside that IAEI has encouraged the scholars to open the program and department of Islamic finance in high perguaruan.
"We have seen how all the private universities and some state universities in Indonesia has opened the program," he explained.
Then linked with the board next IAEI, IAEI Secretary-General hopes that Islamic economics became government policy in developing the national economy. For that bagaiamana administrators are able to socialize IAEI Sharh economic concepts to public policy makers.
"That's what I think the task for the IAEI board in the coming period," he said. (Agus Y)
IAEI Akan Selenggarakan Muktamar di Jakarta

Sekretaris Jenderal IAEI, Agustianto mengatakan bahwa muktamar IAEI bertujuan untuk memilih ketua umum dan pengurus baru pada periode 2011- 2015. Dengan adanya kepengurusan baru tersebut, Agustianto berharap agar organisasi IAEI bisa dengan leluasa dalam mengembangkan ekonomi syariah.
Selama ini kata dia, IAEI telah berupaya untuk mengembangkan ekonomi syariah terbukti dalam kepengurusan sebelumnya telah membuat blue print pengembangan ekonomi syariah di Indonesia. Selain itu pula IAEI telah mendorong kepada para akademisi untuk membuka program dan jurusan ekonomi syariah di perguaruan tinggi.
“Kita telah menyaksikan bagaimana semua PTS dan sebagian PTN di Indonesia telah membuka program tersebut,”paparnya.
Kemudian terkait dengan pengurus IAEI kedepan, Sekjen IAEI berharap agar ekonomi syariah menjadi kebijakan pemerintah dalam mengembangkan perekonomian nasional. Untuk itu bagaiamana para pengurus IAEI mampu mensosialisasikan konsep ekonomi syarah kepada pemangku kebijakan publik.
“Itu yang saya rasa tugas bagi pengurus IAEI dalam periode yang akan datang,”tuturnya. (Agus Y)
Source : http://www.pkesinteraktif.com/bisnis/perbankan-syariah/2725-iaei-akan-selenggarakan-muktamar-di-jakarta.html - July 18, 2011 - google translate
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