Jakarta (8 / 9) - Just a month ago was awarded as the Best Islamic Bank Investor Magazine, Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) again won an award from The Asset Asian Hong Kong. Unmitigated 4 awards hired by the Islamic Bank which was founded in 1999. (source)
As reported at the site syariahmandiri.co.id, BSM won 4 awards in the category of Best Islamic Bank in 2011, Best Islamic Retail Bank 2011, Islamic Best Deal 2011, Best Islamic Trade Finance Bank 2011.
Acceptance of the award itself is represented by the Director of BSM, Yuslam Fauzi at the Mandarin Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday (6 / 9), yesterday. The award itself submitted by the Chairman of The Hongkong Asset, Chito Santiago, and Daniel Yu, witnessed by the Deputy Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia Datuk Muhammad bin Ibrahim and Chairman of Securities Commission Malaysia Tan Sri Zarinah Anwar and leaders of Islamic banks in Asia and the Middle East. (Ul)
Lagi, BSM Raih Penghargaan

Seperti yang dilansir di situs syariahmandiri.co.id, BSM meraih 4 penghargaan dengan kategori Best Islamic Bank 2011, Best Islamic Retail Bank 2011, Best Islamic Deal 2011, Best Islamic Trade Finance Bank 2011.
Penerimaan penghargaan sendiri diwakili oleh Direktur BSM, Yuslam
Fauzi di Hotel Mandarin-Kuala Lumpur pada Selasa (6/9), kemarin.
Penghargaan sendiri diserahkan oleh Pimpinan The Asset Hongkong, Chito Santiago dan Daniel Yu dengan disaksikan oleh Deputi Gubernur Bank Negara Malaysia Datuk Muhammad bin Ibrahim dan Chairman of Securities Commission Malaysia Tan Sri Zarinah Anwar serta pemimpin bank syariah se-Asia dan Timur Tengah.(ul)
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