Jakarta (16/12) - Economic sharia sharia in Indonesia now ranks fourth in the world and predicted the coming 10 years to reach the first position. This is certainly a challenge for all parties involved to make these predictions.
Secretary General of Islamic Economic Society (MES), M Shakir Sula said first position is required to achieve acceleration. Therefore, the MES has created a road map (roadmap) of Islamic finance to support the national target of making Indonesia the Islamic world's economic center. (source)
Secretary General of Islamic Economic Society (MES), M Shakir Sula said first position is required to achieve acceleration. Therefore, the MES has created a road map (roadmap) of Islamic finance to support the national target of making Indonesia the Islamic world's economic center. (source)
"Roadmap that we make is divided into three stages. 2010-2014 to build the economic foundation of sharia, Islamic ekononomi strengthen 2014-2016 .2016 to 2019 transformation of the economic system of sharia," he told reporters during a press conference of the 2nd National Conference MES in Jakarta, Thursday (15 / 12).
MES also encourage the government to deliver policies that can promote accelerated growth. MES urged the government to immediately discuss the Micro Finance Act. As it is known as a center of Indonesia has been ogled microfinance.
"In addition there is an important microfinance law. That law created syarian non-bank financial institutions such as insurance, leasing and others. So far only provided in article. We need laws," said Shakir.
As for the realm of Islamic banking MES chairman, said the need for immediate Rivai Veithzal Peratuaran Bank Indonesia Regulation (PBI) of the dual banking system, where the latter all conventional banks must sell the products of sharia.
"In addition to PBI, the MES wants a Deputy Governor of Islamic Banking. So the care of Islamic banking is not only level the Director of the Directorate of course," he said. (Ul)
Pengembangan Ekonomi Syariah Butuh Akselerasi
Jakarta (16/12)- Ekonomi syariah syariah di Indonesia kini menduduki peringkat keempat di dunia dan diprediksikan 10 tahun yang akan datang dapat meraih posisi pertama. Hal ini tentunya menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi semua kalangan yang terkait untuk mewujudkan prediksi tersebut.
Sekretaris Jendral Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah (MES), M Syakir Sula mengatakan untuk meraih posisi pertama diperlukan akselerasi. Oleh karena itu MES telah membuat peta jalan (roadmap) ekonomi syariah untuk mendukung target nasional menjadikan Indonesia sebagai pusat ekonomi syariah dunia.
"Roadmap yang kita buat terbagi tiga tahap. 2010-2014 membangun landasan ekonomi syariah, 2014-2016 memperkokoh ekononomi syariah,2016-2019 transformasi sistem ekonomi syariah," ujarnya pada wartawan dalam konferensi pers Munas ke-2 MES di Jakarta, Kamis (15/12).
MES juga mendorong pemerintah untuk melahirkan kebijakan-kebijakan yang dapat mendorong percepatan pertumbuhan. MES mendesak pemerintah untuk segera membahas Undang-Undang Keuangan Mikro. Seperti diketahui Indonesia telah dilirik sebagai pusat microfinance.
"Selain UU microfinance ada yang penting. Yaitu UU buat lembaga keuangan syarian non bank seperti asuransi, leasing dan lain-lain. Selama ini hanya diatur dalam pasal. Kita butuh undang-undang," tegas Syakir.
Sedangkan untuk ranah perbankan syariah Ketua MES, Veithzal Rivai mengatakan diperlukannya segera Peratuaran Bank Indonesia (PBI) tentang dual sistem banking, dimana nantinya semua bank konvensional wajib menjual produk syariah.
"Selain PBI itu, MES menginginkan adanya Deputi Gubernur Perbankan Syariah. Jadi yang mengurusi perbankan syariah bukan hanya setingkat Direktur Direktorat saja," tandasnya. (Ul)
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