Thursday, August 23, 2012

INDONESIA - ARTICLES - Utilization of Zakat as a Fiscal Component in Islamic Economic System

Maksimalisasi Zakat Sebagai Salah Satu Komponen Fiskal Dalam Sistem Ekonomi Islam (Utilization of Zakat as a Fiscal Component in Islamic Economic System)

Azharsyah Ibrahim

State University of Ar-Raniry - Faculty of Law - Ar-Raniry State Institute of Islamic Studies

May 22, 2012

JURISPRUDENSI Jurnal Syari'ah, Januari-Juni 2011

In economics, fiscal policy is defined as the use of government expenditure and revenue collection (taxation) to influence the economy. Governments use fiscal policy to influence the level of aggregate demand in the economy, in an effort to achieve economic objectives of price stability, full employment, and economic growth. Fiscal policy in an Islamic state should have an ideological orientation. This means that fiscal policy in an Islamic economy has to be evolved in the ideological framework of Islam and cannot be value-neutral. This paper aims to comprehensively study the potency of zakah in Indonesia and its potential use as a stabilization device in Islamic economic system. Data for this research are gathered through related-literatures including books, journal articles, internet sites and other related resources. The research found that the potency of zakah in Indonesia is increasing year of year. The Indonesia Magnificience of Zakah calculated that Indonesia has IDR 27,2 trillion in 2010 while Asian Development Bank estimated up to IDR 100 trillion. Thus, Indonesia has very big potency to use zakah as a fiscal component because some part of zakah proceeds could be withheld in an inflationary situation and these funds could be released to increase purchasing power in a period of depressed economic activity.

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