Monday, March 26, 2012

INDONESIA - BANKING - BI: 5 Years, Can Islamic Market Share 10 Percent - JAKARTA, - Bank Indonesia (BI) is optimistic the market share of Islamic banking on the banking industry in terms of assets could rise to 10 percent in five years. Currently, a new Islamic banking holds 4 percent of market share.

This can be achieved due to BI see the growing trend of Islamic banking in the last five years. BI deputy governor Halim Alamsyah said Islamic banking assets grew an average of 40.5 percent over the last five years. These include the growth of Islamic banks, Islamic business units, or sharia rural banks. This figure is two times faster than conventional banking growth.

"If growth can continue as now, is not impossible that in the next five years the market share of sharia could approach 10 percent. If plus five more years to 15 percent, "Halim said when opening the National Congress of Indonesian Association of Islamic Banking (Asbisindo), Wednesday (03/21/2012).  (source)

BI to view data by January 2012, for Islamic banks assets have increased the asset value of 47.43 percent to Rp 115.296 billion compared to January 2011 amounting to Rp 78.203 trillion.

To achieve target market share approaching 10 percent in the next five years, according to Halim there are some challenges to be faced by the Islamic banking industry. First, the increase in the quantity and quality of human resources. Second, the increase in product innovation and competitive services. Third, the sustainability of education and socialization to the community.

"In terms of product innovation need to be discussions with regulators and industry. It is again seen that the scheme could be offered to the public. Is it cost-competitive? Actually there are many Islamic banking products are also a lot of people do not know. For example, Islamic mortgages in the scheme is different from conventional banks, "said Halim

He added, to encourage greater market share, the central bank should also see no incentive. Moreover, the Islamic banking industry is relatively new. Incentives could be in terms of taxation and the rules of market penetration. However, according to Halim incentive is not everything. Islamic banking industry still have to develop and improve products and services. (Simpson Kharina Build / Cash)

BI: 5 Tahun, Pangsa Pasar Syariah Bisa 10 Persen
| Erlangga Djumena | Rabu, 21 Maret 2012 | 13:59 WIB


JAKARTA, - Bank Indonesia (BI) optimis pangsa pasar perbankan syariah terhadap industri perbankan dari segi aset bisa meningkat menjadi 10 persen dalam lima tahun mendatang. Saat ini, perbankan syariah baru memegang 4 persen dari pangsa pasar.
Hal tersebut bisa tercapai lantaran BI melihat tren pertumbuhan perbankan syariah dalam lima tahun terakhir. Deputi Gubernur BI Halim Alamsyah mengungkapkan aset perbankan syariah rata-rata tumbuh 40,5 persen selama lima tahun ke terakhir. Pertumbuhan ini mencakup bank syariah, unit usaha syariah, maupun BPR syariah. Angka tersebut dua kali lebih cepat daripada pertumbuhan perbankan konvensional.
“Kalau pertumbuhannya bisa berlanjut seperti sekarang, bukan mustahil dalam lima tahun mendatang pangsa pasar syariah bisa mendekati 10 persen. Kalau ditambah lima tahun lagi bisa 15 persen,” ungkap Halim saat membuka Musyawarah Nasional Asosiasi Bank Syariah Indonesia (Asbisindo), Rabu (21/3/2012).
Melihat data BI per Januari 2012, untuk aset bank umum syariah saja terjadi peningkatan nilai aset sebesar 47,43 persen menjadi Rp 115,296 triliun dibandingkan Januari 2011 sebesar Rp 78,203 triliun.
Untuk mencapai target pangsa pasar mendekati 10 persen dalam lima tahun mendatang, menurut Halim ada beberapa tantangan yang harus dihadapi industri perbankan syariah. Pertama, peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas sumber daya manusia. Kedua, peningkatan inovasi produk dan layanan yang kompetitif. Ketiga, keberlangsungan edukasi dan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat.
“Menyangkut inovasi produk perlu diskusi dengan regulator dan industri. Lebih dilihat lagi skema yang bisa ditawarkan ke masyarakat. Apakah itu kompetitif dari segi biaya? Sebetulnya ada banyak produk perbankan syariah juga yang masyarakat belum banyak tahu. Misalnya, KPR di syariah yang skemanya berbeda dengan bank konvensional,” jelas Halim
Ia menambahkan, untuk mendorong pangsa pasar semakin besar, BI melihat perlu pula ada insentif. Apalagi industri perbankan syariah masih terbilang baru. Insentif itu bisa dari segi perpajakan maupun aturan penetrasi pasar. Namun, insentif menurut Halim bukan segalanya. Industri perbankan syariah tetap harus mengembangkan dan meningkatkan produk serta layanannya. (Astri Kharina Bangun/Kontan)

Source:  - March 21, 2012 - google translate

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