Thursday, March 01, 2012

INDONESIA - OPINION - Islamic economics is not identical with the Financial Industry

www.pkesinteraktif. com - Jakarta (29/2) - This view of Islamic economics has become narrower. Islamic economics was limited as the business economy. This eventually formed the view that Islam is identical to the industrial economy especially the financial industry.

Islamic economists Dawan Rahardjo said the narrowness of views on Islamic economics can be proved from a variety of things. He cited the economic interest in the western world will not because of Islam but because of prudential substances, applicable, and profitable, it is certainly closely related industries.

"Europeans are interested in Islam because the mode of capitalist economy rather than the other," he said in a national workshop "Architecture of Islamic Economic Education" in Jakarta, Tuesday (28/2). (source)

View, further Dawam also affect the educational system of Islamic economics, in which universities and high schools that have Islamic economics majors vying for printing only workers who are expected to be absorbed by industry.

According to Islamic economics is institutional economics. Islamic economics is economics-driven rather than just on individuals but rather by many institutions ranging from intistusi industrial, social, education and others. Islam is very broad economic realm.

"Islamic economics is not identical with the financial industry. Islamic economics is unbelievably large, an economic partnership, "he said. (Ul)

Ekonomi Islam tidak Identik dengan Industri Keuangan

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Jakarta (29/2) – Pandangan mengenai ekonomi Islam kini menjadi sempit. Ekonomi Islam hanya sebatas sebagai ekonomi usaha. Hal ini yang akhirnya membentuk pandangan ekonomi Islam identik dengan industri khususnya industri keuangan. 
Pakar ekonomi Islam Dawan Rahardjo mengatakan sempitnya pandangan akan ekonomi Islam dapat dibuktikan dari berbagai hal. Ia mencontohkan ketertarikan dunia barat akan ekonomi Islam bukan karena subtansi tetapi karena prudential, applicable, dan menguntungkan, hal ini tentunya  sangat terkait industri.
“Eropa tertarik ekonomi Islam karena corak kapitalis bukan yang lain,” ujarnya dalam workshop Nasional “Arsitektur Pendidikan Ekonomi Islam” di Jakarta, Selasa (28/2).
Pandangan tersebut, lanjut Dawam juga berpengaruh pada sistem pendidikan ekonomi Islam, dimana universitas dan sekolah tinggi yang memiliki jurusan ekonomi syariah berlomba-lomba hanya untuk mencetak pekerja yang diharapkan dapat terserap industri.
Menurutnya ekonomi Islam adalah ekonomi institusional. Ekonomi Islam adalah ekonomi yang digerakan bukan hanya  pada individu melainkan oleh banyak institusi mulai dari intistusi industri, sosial, pendidikan dan lain-lain. Ranah ekonomi Islam sangatlah luas.
“Ekonomi Islam tidak identik dengan industri keuangan. Ekonomi Islam sangan luas, sebuah ekonomi kerjasama,” tandasnya.(ul)

Source :   - Feb 29, 2012 - google translate

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