Saturday, July 21, 2012

INDONESIA - BANKING - CIMB NIAGA SYARIAH Padang sued for Rp 2 billion damages

www.bisnis.comPADANG: Bank CIMB Niaga Syariah Pondok branch, city of Padang in West Sumatra are required to pay compensation in the form immateril 2 billion by the customers.

Rosman M (49), Eastern District of Rawang residents of South Padang, Padang, put these demands (in the form of reports) to the Consumer Dispute Settlement Body (BPSK) Padang.

Reports of consumer complaints numbered: 60/P3K/2012 dated July 12, 2012 the Secretariat received BPSK officer Padang, Nurmatias.  (source)

"As a consumer I have been harmed, because my money disappeared suddenly worth Rp30 million direkening, but I never pulled it," said Rosman M to Business in BPSK Padang, Friday, July 13, 2012.
Not only that, he said, other losses suffered by the subject pinalty by the relation (buyer) of Malaysia, because the money was originally sent as a down payment of business transactions.

"On the carelessness of Bank CIMB Niaga Syariah officers who had damaged a business relationship before, I ask them to pay compensation (immateril) 2 billion," said Rosman M.

Genesis begins on the date of June 20, 2012 (the day after he opened an account at Bank CIMB Niaga Syariah Pondok branch).

Customer account number owner 543-01-01711-11-0, CIF number R 481 721, and 378 809 book number, got a shipment (transfer) money from the business relations of Malaysia as many as 50 million.

To the next day (June 21, 2012 in the morning), he immediately withdraw through the office Teller Bank CIMB Niaga Syariah Pondok Rp20 million.

After withdrawing money before, any balance left over as much as Rp30.200.000 direkeningnya (@ 200 thousand are opening savings accounts).

In the afternoon, at around 16:12 pm, Rosman M back plans to make a withdrawal via ATM Bank CIMB Niaga Syariah.

But it would shock the victim, the article was Rp30.200.000 balance, only 200,000 remain.

Not receive the money lost (because it was never taken), Rosman M also complained to the Teller Bank CIMB Niaga Syariah local (where he took the money the day before).
Teller parties named Sally replied: "Yes sir, we take the father's return, is based on the request or order one Malaysia relations father who had sent the money," Sally said as quoted by M. Rosman re-
Surprisingly, when asked directly about the victim said to the teller his business relationship Tech named Tai Chuan, a resident of Malaysia is actually denied the testimony of the teller.
In fact, in a conversation via phone, Tai Chuan Tech instead insisted that he never ordered the withdrawal of the money has been sent.

 Edwin, Branch Manager of CIMB Niaga Syariah Padang said that he was not authorized to explain, because the case on behalf of clients Rosman M is already handled direct the center.

"I apologize, for more information (detail), I can not explain, because it has handled the Corporate Affair Bank CIMB Niaga Syariah center," he said, Friday, July 13, 2012. (K41/msb)

CIMB Niaga Syariah Padang Dituntut Rp2 Miliar


PADANG: Bank CIMB Niaga Syariah cabang Pondok, Kota Padang Sumatra Barat dituntut bayar kompensasi berbentuk immateril Rp2 miliar oleh nasabahnya.

Rosman M (49), warga Rawang Timur Kecamatan Padang Selatan, Padang, memasukkan tuntutan tersebut (dalam bentuk laporan) ke Badan Penyelesaian Sengketa Konsumen (BPSK) Padang.

Laporan pengaduan konsumen bernomor: 60/P3K/2012 bertanggal 12 Juli 2012 tersebut diterima petugas Sekretariat BPSK Padang, Nurmatias.

"Selaku konsumen saya telah dirugikan, karena uang saya raib tiba-tiba senilai Rp30 juta direkening, padahal saya tidak pernah menariknya," kata Rosman M kepada Bisnis di BPSK Padang, Jumat 13 Juli 2012.

Tak cuma itu, ucapnya, kerugian lain yang diderita adalah dikenai pinalty oleh relasi (buyer) asal Malaysia, karena uang tadi sedianya dikirim sebagai down payment transaksi bisnis.

"Atas kecerobohan petugas Bank CIMB Niaga Syariah yang telah merusak hubungan bisnis tadi, saya tuntut mereka untuk membayar kompensasi (immateril) Rp2 miliar," kata Rosman M.

Kejadian berawal pada tanggal 20 Juni 2012 (sehari usai dirinya membuka rekening di Bank CIMB Niaga Syariah cabang Pondok).

Nasabah pemilik nomor rekening 543-01-01711-11-0, nomor CIF R 481721, dan nomor buku 378809, mendapat kiriman (transfer) uang dari relasi bisnisnya asal Malaysia sebanyak Rp50 juta.

Ke esokan harinya (21 Juni 2012 pagi), dirinya langsung melakukan penarikan melalui Teller kantor Bank CIMB Niaga Syariah Pondok sebesar Rp20 juta.  

Usai menarik uang tadi, saldo direkeningnya pun bersisa sebanyak Rp30.200.000 (@Rp200 ribu merupakan uang tabungan awal pembukaan rekening).

Sorenya, sekitar pukul 16.12 WIB, Rosman M kembali berencana melakukan penarikan via ATM Bank CIMB Niaga Syariah.

Tapi alangkah kagetnya korban, pasalnya saldo yang tadinya Rp30.200.000, hanya bersisa Rp200.000.

Tak terima uangnya hilang (karena merasa tidak pernah mengambil), Rosman M pun komplain ke pihak Teller Bank CIMB Niaga Syariah setempat (tempat dirinya mengambil uang sehari sebelumnya).

Pihak Teller bernama Seli menjawab: " Ya Pak, uang bapak memang kami ambil kembali, ini berdasarkan permintaan atau perintah orang Malaysia relasi Bapak yang tadinya mengirimkan uang tersebut," kata Seli seperti ditirukan ulang Rosman M.

Anehnya, saat korban menanyai langsung perihal yang dikatakan teller tersebut ke relasi bisnisnya bernama Tai Tech Chuan, warga Malaysia ini justru membantah keterangan si teller.

Malah, dalam pembicaraan via ponsel, Tai Tech Chuan justru menegaskan kalau dirinya tidak pernah memerintahkan penarikan uang yang telah dikirimnya tersebut.
Edwin, Branch Manager CIMB Niaga Syariah Padang menyebut kalau dirinya tidak berwenang untuk menjelaskan, karena kasus nasabah atas nama Rosman M tersebut sudah dihandle langsung pihak pusat.

 "Saya mohon maaf, untuk keterangan lebih lanjut (detail), saya tidak bisa menjelaskan, karena ini sudah ditangani pihak Coorporate Affair Bank CIMB Niaga Syariah pusat," katanya, Jumat 13 Juli 2012.(K41/msb)

Source:  - July 14, 1012 - google translate

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