Monday, August 13, 2012

INDONESIA - BANKING - Bank Syariah Mandiri ready for IPO in 2014 - JAKARTA. PT Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) is ready to take the floor at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). Managing Director of BSM Yuslam Fauzi said, the release of BSM is reviewing options IPO (IPO) in 2014.

"Everything is in the process," he said when met at the Bapepam-​​LK, Thursday (9/8). He said the IPO scheme is the domain of the majority shareholder of PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (BMRI).

"BSM is ready to go public. Moreover, if the parent is thinking at this time," he explained. (source)

Actually, in terms of capital, BSM Yuslam admitted not having problems. Because the shareholders of BSM is committed to providing additional capital until 2015. However, because of very rapid growth in BSM, the bank needed a larger capital.


Bank Syariah Mandiri siap IPO di 2014

Bank Syariah Mandiri siap IPO di 2014
Berita Terkait

JAKARTA. PT Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) siap melantai di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Direktur Utama BSM Yuslam Fauzi menuturkan, BSM sedang mengkaji opsi pelepasan saham perdana (IPO) pada 2014.
"Semuanya sedang dalam proses," katanya saat dijumpai di Bapepam-LK, Kamis (9/8). Menurutnya, skema IPO tersebut merupakan domain dari pemegang saham mayoritas yakni PT Bank mandiri Tbk (BMRI).

"BSM siap untuk go public. Apalagi kalau induk sudah berpikir saat inilah waktu yang tepat," jelasnya.

Sebenarnya dari segi permodalan, Yuslam mengaku BSM tidak mengalami masalah. Karena pemegang saham BSM sudah berkomitmen memberikan tambahan permodalan hingga 2015 mendatang. Namun, karena pertumbuhan BSM sangat pesat, bank butuh modal yang lebih besar.

Source: - Aug 9, 2012 - google translate

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