Monday, August 20, 2012

INDONESIA - REGULATIONS - BI: Bank Syariah Not Treated Special - JAKARTA: Bank Indonesia said it was reviewing the amount of loan to value for the rule of Islamic banking.

Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) Nasution said the provisions of loan to value (LTV) sharia should not be treated differently from the conventional banking regulations.

"Yes, it should be one of the main reasons it is actually that there be no arbitrage, do not then there is a difference. Should have the same direction. However, whether the latter [the amount] exactly the same, or how, we'll examine is," he said after a ceremony Aug. 17 in the BI, today (17/08/2012).  (source)

Nasution said the central bank is not worried if growth is inhibited due to Islamic restrictions. He actually believes the performance of Islamic banking is growing and will rise higher with the rules.

In fact, according to central bank this year the industry's market share fell from 4.02% sharia to 3.99%.

On the same occasion, Deputy Governor of Bank Halim Alamsyah LTV convey provisions of sharia will be issued on the third or fourth quarter of this year. "[The rules] will be published as soon as possible. In mid-September as possible, or no later than October. October is my guess," he said.

Halim explained his side still have to hold several more meetings with industry associations. The central bank, he added, should also improve the legal draft was made​​. (16/ags)

BI: Bank Syariah Tak Diperlakukan Khusus

JAKARTA: Bank Indonesia menyatakan masih mengkaji besaran aturan loan to value untuk perbankan syariah.

Gubernur Bank Indonesia (BI) Darmin Nasution mengungkapkan ketentuan loan to value (LTV) syariah sebaiknya tidak diberi perlakuan berbeda dari peraturan pada perbankan konvensional.

"Iya, mestinya salah satu alasan utamanya kan sebenarnya supaya jangan ada arbitrase, jangan kemudian ada perbedaan. Mestinya arahnya sama. Namun, apakah nantinya [besarannya] persis sama atau bagaimana, kami kaji nanti lah," paparnya usai  upacara 17 Agustus di BI, hari ini (17/08/2012).

Darmin mengungkapkan bank sentral tidak khawatir jika pertumbuhan syariah akan terhambat akibat pembatasan tersebut. Dia justru yakin kinerja perbankan syariah sedang tumbuh dan akan meningkat lebih tinggi dengan adanya peraturan itu.

Padahal, berdasarkan data bank sentral tahun ini pangsa pasar industri syariah turun dari 4,02% menjadi 3,99%.

Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Deputi Gubernur BI Halim Alamsyah menyampaikan ketentuan LTV syariah akan dikeluarkan pada kuartal ketiga atau keempat tahun ini. "[Peraturan itu] akan kami terbitkan secepatnya. Pertengahan September mungkin, atau paling lambat Oktober. Oktober lah saya kira," sebutnya.

Halim menerangkan pihaknya masih harus mengadakan beberapa pertemuan lagi dengan asosiasi pelaku industri. Bank sentral, tambahnya, juga harus menyempurnakan legal draft yang tengah dibuat. (16/ags)

Source: - Aug 17, 2012 - google translate

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