Jakarta (20 / 1) - Muamalat is now the major focus in the banking world of Islamic banking in particular. This is related to a delay while the sale of shares Muamalat by current shareholders to investors who looked at because there is no financial arrangement.
Related to the Director of the Directorate of Islamic Banking Bank Indonesia (BI), Mulya Siregar revealed that the central bank as the regulator does not interfere with the affairs of the delay the release of these shares. "It's up to them. It depends on the bargaining, "he told pkesinteraktif.com on the sidelines Join the High Level Conference on Islamic Finance in Jakarta, Monday (18 / 7). (source)
Related to the Director of the Directorate of Islamic Banking Bank Indonesia (BI), Mulya Siregar revealed that the central bank as the regulator does not interfere with the affairs of the delay the release of these shares. "It's up to them. It depends on the bargaining, "he told pkesinteraktif.com on the sidelines Join the High Level Conference on Islamic Finance in Jakarta, Monday (18 / 7). (source)
BI only gives emphasis to anyone who will buy the shares later Muamalat bank must have a long term commitment. That is not long when the investor owns shares, the shares immediately resold. "He (investors) to purchase for him to develop, not just to gain a temporary advantage, so it should be long term commitment," he explained.
BI itself does not have written rules about how much time an investor can sell back the shares after the purchase but BI will give suppressor to every investor to get long term commitment. "If everyone just buy direct resale of course will ruin the industry," he said.
BI also appealed to investors who want to buy so as not to alter the vision and mission and programs Muamalat banks that had been built. "Financing Muamalat a high-principled for his results, this is good for economic development. So do not ever be confused or altered, "he said. (Ul)
BI itself does not have written rules about how much time an investor can sell back the shares after the purchase but BI will give suppressor to every investor to get long term commitment. "If everyone just buy direct resale of course will ruin the industry," he said.
BI also appealed to investors who want to buy so as not to alter the vision and mission and programs Muamalat banks that had been built. "Financing Muamalat a high-principled for his results, this is good for economic development. So do not ever be confused or altered, "he said. (Ul)
Mulya : Jika Beli Muamalat Harus Long Term Commitment

Terkait hal tersebut Direktur Direktorat Perbankan Syariah Bank Indonesia (BI), Mulya Siregar mengungkapkan bahwa BI sebagai regulator tidak ikut campur urusan penundaan pelepasan saham tersebut. “Itu terserah mereka. Ini tergantung tawar menawar,” ujarnya kepada pkesinteraktif.com di sela-sela acara Join High Level Conference on Islamic Finance di Jakarta, Senin (18/7).
BI sendiri memang tidak memiliki aturan tertulis tentang berapa jangka waktu seorang investor dapat menjual kembali saham setelah dibeli namun BI akan memberi penekan kepada setiap investor agar bisa long term komitmen. “Jika semua orang sekedar beli langsung jual kembali tentunya akan merusak industri,” tegasnya.
BI juga menghimbau kepada para investor yang ingin membeli agar tidak merubah visi dan misi serta program bank Muamalat yang telah terbangun. “Pembiayaan Muamalat yang berprinsip bagi hasil kan tinggi, ini baik buat perkembangan ekonomi. Jadi jangan lagi dikacaukan atau diubah-ubah,” tandasnya.(ul)
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