Jakarta (20 / 8) - Corruption is a dangerous phenomenon. Even in large-scale, unlawful pratek can destroy the fabric of a country, especially in creating social and economic gap between inidvidu in society.
Economic Observer, Hendri Saparaini revealed that between corruption and prosperity are intimately connected. A society that is corrupt, then the impact on the level of welfare that ultimately still low.
"According to the survey of world banks, 42% of the citizens of Indonesia are sensitive to food prices. Thus we have corruption, and our society is not prosperous, "he said during an interactive dialogue event of Islamic Economics and the Corruption Eradication held Sharia Communication Center (PKES), Thursday (18 / 8). (source)
Economic Observer, Hendri Saparaini revealed that between corruption and prosperity are intimately connected. A society that is corrupt, then the impact on the level of welfare that ultimately still low.
"According to the survey of world banks, 42% of the citizens of Indonesia are sensitive to food prices. Thus we have corruption, and our society is not prosperous, "he said during an interactive dialogue event of Islamic Economics and the Corruption Eradication held Sharia Communication Center (PKES), Thursday (18 / 8). (source)
He considered that the current gap is not only the scope of individuals, rich and poor but also regional disparities. Explained that the poverty rate at 50 percent in our province over the average. Some provinces even poverty rates above 30 percent.
He stressed that the system can prevent the phenomenon of corruption and economic inequality is Islam. With the elements of Islam, indirectly prevent public officials and economic actors of corruption because of the approach taken was the belief, that there are considerations of halal and haram.
"Do not be economic actors are implementing sharia, but the country's economic management and natural resources should also refer to Islamic economics. Everything will make the people prosperous, "he concluded. (ul)
Atasi Korupsi dan Kesenjangan, Terapkan Ekonomi Islam

Pengamat ekonomi, Hendri Saparaini mengungkapkan bahwa antara korupsi dan kesejahteraan memiliki hubungan yang erat. Adanya masyarakat yang sangat korup, maka berdampak pada tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat yang akhirnya masih rendah.
“Menurut survey dari bank dunia, 42% dari warga Indonesia ini sensitif terhadap harga pangan. Dengan demikian kita sudah korupsi, dan masyarakat kita sudah tidak sejahtera,” ujarnya saat acara dialog interaktif Ekonomi Islam dan Pemberatasan Korupsi yang digelar Pusat Komunikasi Syariah (PKES), Kamis (18/8).
Ia menilai kesenjangan yang terjadi saat ini bukan hanya pada lingkup individu, kaya dan miskin tapi juga kesenjangan wilayah. Dijelaskan bahwa angka kemiskinan di 50 persen di propinsi kita di atas rata-rata. Beberapa propinsi bahkan angka kemiskinannya di atas 30 persen.
Ia menekankan bahwa sistem yang dapat mencegah korupsi dan fenomena kesenjangan adalah ekonomi Islam. Dengan adanya unsur Islam maka secara tidak langsung menghindarkan pejabat publik dan pelaku ekonomi dari korupsi karena pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah keyakinan, artinya ada pertimbangan halal dan haram.
” Jangan pelaku-pelaku ekonomi saja yang menerapkan syariah tetapi pengelolaan ekonomi negara serta sumber daya alam juga harus mengacu pada ekonomi Islam. Semuanya akan membuat rakyat sejahtera,” pungkasnya. (ul)
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