"We are looking at, is it possible to be set for stable results," said Halim Alamsyah, BI deputy governor told reporters on Thursday (22 / 8). (source)
Halim said the current review of it had reached stage 2. However, he was not sure when the rule can be issued. "There continues to be studied," he said.
Halim hoped that if this rule already exists, it can enlarge the product fortopolio sharing (mudaraba and musharaka) which is becoming a hallmark of Islamic banking. Also expected to Islamic banking has its own calculation that does not "tail" of conventional banking. So that Islamic banking has a dynamic rate of the economy that is different from the conventional.
Parties will review the BI itself in every sector of the real. Each sector will have its own rules for the result, for stable results. "Later, the agricultural sector alone, the automotive itself. Of all the real sector has for a stable outcome. "He said. (Ul)
BI Kaji Bagi Hasil Di Perbankan Syariah

“Kami sedang mengkaji, apakah mungkin bisa ditetapkan bagi hasil yang stabil,” ujar Halim Alamsyah, Deputi Gubernur BI kepada wartawan, Kamis (22/8).
Halim mengatakan saat ini kajian akan hal tersebut sudah sampai tahap 2. Namun, ia belum bisa memastikan kapan aturan tersebut dapat dikeluarkan. “Masih terus dikaji,” katanya.
Halim berharap jika aturan ini sudah ada, dapat memperbesar fortopolio produk bagi hasil (mudharabah dan musyarakah) yang memang menjadi ciri dari perbankan syariah. Selain itu diharapkan perbankan syariah bisa memiliki perhitungan sendiri yang tidak “mengekor” perbankan konvensional. Sehingga perbankan syariah memiliki dinamika laju perekonomian yang berbeda dengan konvensional.
Pihak BI sendiri akan mengkaji di setiap sektor riil. Setiap sektor nantinya memiliki aturan bagi hasil sendiri, bagi hasil yang stabil. “Nantinya sektor pertanian sendiri, otomotif sendiri. Dari semua sektor riil memiliki bagi hasil yang stabil.” Tandasnya.(ul)
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