Sunday, December 11, 2011

INDONESIA - BANKING - UB Agrees to Cooperate with BTN Syariah

The Rector (right) and  the Branch Manager of BTN Syariah after signing the agreement of cooperation (left)The Rector (right) and the Branch Manager of BTN Syariah after signing the agreement of cooperation (left)On Thursday (8/11) in the court room of 7th floor of Rectorate Building, UB agreed to cooperate with  BTN Syariah branch of Malang. On that occasion, the signing was done by the Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Yogi Sugito and Gamaria, S.E M.M., the Branch Manager of  BTN Syariah of Malang. Present at the meeting, the Vice Rector II, the Director of BAK, the Director of BAU, and the Director of Finance and Cooperation of Main Office.

Gamaria said, the signing of this agreement opens opportunities for cooperation in education with BTN Syariah. Such as creating a learning laboratory for Islamic banking. "For learning, we can establish cooperation with FEB (Faculty of Economics and Business) and FH (Faculty of Law)," she said. This was greeted positively by the Vice Rector II, Warkum Sumitro, S.H M.H., who also attended the meeting. Warkum is also a lecturer of Islamic banking law in FH UB.  (source)

While the Rector welcomes this cooperation. Not just making a laboratory, the Rector throws a discourse for BTN Syariah in order to recruit UB’s alumni. However, recruitment is conducted in sixth semester, so the remaining years of college can be used to conduct training in BTN Syariah. "This way is very profitable for banks because they do not need to do the training themselves," he added. [ai/ps2]

Source :  -  Dec 9, 2011

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