Saturday, December 03, 2011

INDONESIA - CAPITAL MARKETS - Sukuk set to finance development projects

Jakarta: Directorate General of Debt Management, Ministry of Finance plans to add a special state securities instruments to finance development projects included in the budget.
Waluyanto, Director General of Debt Management, MoF said that during this, the government only publishes Islamic government securities as underlying instruments project.
However, next year the government set the issuance of sukuk to fund projects in the State Budget (Budget) or known as sukuk based project financing. (source)

"This long-awaited investors, even foreign investors. After a roadshow to the Middle East, enormous enthusiasm from investors. In the future this will be the most widely published than others, "Rahmat said after meeting investors exposure related to debt management strategy and policy of 2012, today.
However, sukuk issuance will still be waiting for projects that support the various regulations, such as government rules and regulations of finance ministers (FMD) as the implementing regulations.
"Later we will coordinate with the ministries / institutions as implementers of projects and Bappenas as a project planner. In essence, all related government projects can be funded through the TOS of this instrument, "he said.
Dahlan Siamat, Director of Financing the Sharia, the Directorate General of Debt Management, MoF presented the project finance sukuk based sukuk is directly associated with projects included in the budget, such as infrastructure and energy (powerplan).
"We've talked to KP2EI (Committee on Economic Development to Accelerate Expansion of Indonesia) concerning Sukuk can or can not move to the funding of projects in MP3EI," said Dahlan.
However, these projects will be funded based project financing sukuk must be approved by Parliament. "Sukuk projects will be prioritized in 2012," he said.
According to the Directorate General of Debt Management, Ministry of Finance, since 2008, total sukuk issuance countries reached Rp81, 56 trillion, while state sukuk outstanding position in the market today reached Rp77, 68 trillion.
Outstanding sukuk is expected to increase as the enthusiasm associated market-based project financing sukuk issuance.
Based project financing sukuk issuance is also expected to support the funding of projects that need funding MP3EI more than Rp4000 trillion, because the portion of government funding is estimated to only reach 10% of the total investment needs. (BSI)

Sukuk beraset dasar proyek diperbanyak


JAKARTA: Direktorat Jenderal Pengelolaan Utang Kementerian Keuangan berencana menambah instrumen surat berharga negara khusus untuk membiayai proyek-proyek pembangunan yang masuk dalam APBN.

Rahmat Waluyanto, Dirjen Pengelolaan Utang Kemenkeu menuturkan selama ini, pemerintah hanya menerbitkan instrumen SBN syariah sebagai underlying proyek.

Namun, tahun depan pemerintah menyiapkan penerbitan sukuk untuk mendanai proyek-proyek dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) atau yang dikenal sebagai project financing based sukuk.

“Ini sudah lama dinantikan investor, bahkan investor luar negeri. Setelah roadshow ke Timur Tengah, antusiasme dari investor besar sekali. Ke depannya ini akan paling banyak diterbitkan dibandingkan yang lain,” ujar Rahmat usai temu investor terkait pemaparan strategi dan kebijakan pengelolaan utang 2012, hari ini.

Namun, penerbitan sukuk proyek masih akan menunggu berbagai regulasi yang mendukung, seperti peraturan pemerintah dan peraturan menteri keuangan (PMK) sebagai peraturan pelaksana.

“Nanti kita akan koordinasi dengan kementerian/ lembaga sebagai pelaksana proyek dan Bappenas sebagai perencana proyek. Intinya, semua yang terkait proyek-proyek pemerintah melalui KL dapat didanai dari instrumen ini,” tuturnya.

Dahlan Siamat, Direktur Pembiayaan Syariah, Ditjen Pengelolaan Utang Kemenkeu memaparkan proyek finansial berbasis sukuk merupakan sukuk yang langsung dihubungkan dengan proyek yang masuk dalam APBN, seperti infrastruktur dan energi (powerplan).

“Kami sudah bicara dengan KP2EI (Komite Percepatan Perluasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia) tentang bisa atau tidak Sukuk bergerak ke pendanaan proyek-proyek dalam MP3EI,” tutur Dahlan.

Namun, proyek-proyek yang akan didanai project financing based sukuk harus disetujui DPR. “Sukuk proyek akan diprioritaskan pada 2012,” ungkapnya.

Menurut catatan Direktorat Jenderal Pengelolaan Utang Kementerian Keuangan, sejak 2008, total penerbitan sukuk negara mencapai Rp81,56 triliun, sementara itu posisi sukuk negara yang beredar di pasar saat ini mencapai Rp77,68 triliun.

Outstanding sukuk diperkirakan akan meningkat seiring besarnya antusiasme pasar terkait penerbitan project financing based sukuk.

Penerbitan project financing based sukuk juga diharapkan dapat mendukung pendanaan proyek-proyek MP3EI yang membutuhkan dana lebih dari Rp4000 triliun, karena porsi pendanaan pemerintah diperkirakan hanya mencapai 10% dari total kebutuhan investasi. (Bsi)

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