Saturday, November 19, 2011

INDONESIA - BANKING - BSM asset Third Quarter 2010 Up 55.12 Percent

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Until III/2011 quarter, the performance of Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) is still encouraging. BSM's performance can be seen from several indicators such as total assets, the Third Party Funds (TPF), financing, and net income. (source)

According to a press statement the Division of Corporate Relations and the Law of PT Bank Syariah Mandiri, until September 2011, assets of BSM reached Rp43, 51 trillion, up 55.12 percent compared to the position of assets in September 2010 amounted to Rp28, 05 trillion. BSM asset growth, among others, supported by the increase in Third Party Funds (TPF) and network expansion. Deposits BSM in September 2011 reached Rp38, 29 trillion, up 54.15 percent over the same period last year in which the DPK BSM per September 2010 Rp24, 84 trillion.

As of September 2011, BSM has provided financing amounting to Rp34, 40 trillion, up 60.45 percent compared to the original Rp21, 44 trillion, in September 2010. BSM channel some of the funding (72.40%) to noncorporate segments, and the remaining 27.60 percent for the corporate segment. The indicator shows the BSM pro real sector and SMEs.

In addition to assets, deposits and financing, net income BSM also continues to grow. In the third quarter of 2011, BSM profit reached Rp 409.12 billion, up 27.83 percent compared to a similar position last year at $ 320.04 billion. "The increase in earnings is largely supported by the operating income after distribution of profit sharing," the press statement.

Aset BSM Kuartal III 2010 Naik 55,12 Persen

Sabtu, 19 November 2011 10:10 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,  JAKARTA — Hingga kuartal III/2011, kinerja Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) masih menggembirakan. Kinerja BSM dapat dilihat dari beberapa indikator antara lain total aset, Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK), pembiayaan, dan laba bersih.

Menurut keterangan pers Divisi Hubungan Korporasi dan Hukum PT Bank Syariah Mandiri, hingga September 2011, aset BSM mencapai Rp43,51 triliun, atau naik 55,12 persen dibandingkan posisi aset pada September 2010 sebesar Rp28,05 triliun. Pertumbuhan aset BSM antara lain didukung oleh kenaikan Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK) dan ekspansi jaringan. DPK BSM pada September 2011 mencapai Rp38,29 triliun, naik 54,15 persen dibanding periode yang sama tahun lalu di mana DPK BSM per September 2010 Rp24,84 triliun.

Per September 2011, BSM telah menyalurkan pembiayaan sebesar Rp34,40 triliun atau naik 60,45 persen dibandingkan semula Rp21,44 triliun, pada September 2010.  BSM menyalurkan sebagian besar pembiayaan (72,40%) kepada segmen nonkorporasi, dan sisanya 27,60 persen kepada segmen korporasi. Indikator tersebut menunjukkan BSM pro sektor riil dan UMKM.

Selain aset, DPK dan pembiayaan, laba bersih BSM juga terus tumbuh. Pada kuartal III tahun 2011, laba BSM mencapai Rp 409,12 miliar atau naik 27,83 persen  dibanding posisi serupa pada tahun lalu yakni Rp 320,04 miliar. "Kenaikan laba tersebut sebagian besar ditopang oleh pendapatan operasional setelah distribusi bagi hasil," demikian bunyi keterangan pers itu.

Source :  - Nov 19, 2011 - google translate

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