BRI Syariah managed to sell the SR-004 to about Rp 10 billion in one week supply. However, the number was only 20 percent of its sales target SR-004 BRI Syariah which reached Rp 50 billion.
Group Head of Treasury BRI Syariah, Amir Fukadi recognizes SR-004 is absorbed more big investors particularly those in big cities. Retail investors to absorb the SR-004 from small towns. This segmentation'' toward a large, retail (investors) that little more difficult to absorb,'' he said on Tuesday (13/3). (source)
Seeing the public interest, Amir confessed SR-004 is still seen as an attractive investment instrument. However, the target community's retail sukuk was still aiming for big investors. '' From the sale of SR-004, was still seen as an attractive investment. But retail investors in large cities it is still rarely absorbed,'' he said.
He considered the lack of interest of retail investors from big cities because of the many choices of investment instruments. While in town, the choice of investment instrument is relatively limited. '' So, if you want to sell retail sukuk should target small towns,'' he said.
In SR-004 offers a week, Bank Muamalat sell up to Rp 50 billion. Although previously not target sales value, the Director of Finance and Operations Bank Muamalat, Hendiarto claim is less than maximum performance. '' There are still investors who hold because momentum is not fit,'' he said.
Investor Ritel tak Serap Maksimal SR-004
Selasa, 13 Maret 2012 13:01 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Penjualan sukuk ritel (SR) seri 004 di bank syariah lebih banyak terserap investor besar. Meskipun segmentasi SR-004 untuk pasar ritel, penyerapan investor kecil justru tidak maksimal.BRI Syariah berhasil menjual SR-004 hingga sekitar Rp 10 miliar dalam sepekan penawaran. Namun, jumlah itu baru 20 persen dari target penjualan SR-004 BRI Syariah yakni mencapai Rp 50 miliar.
Group Head Treasury BRI Syariah, Amir Fukadi mengakui SR-004 lebih banyak terserap investor besar terutama yang berada di kota-kota besar. Investor ritel yang menyerap SR-004 berasal dari kota-kota kecil. ''Segmentasinya ini ke arah yang besar, ritel (investor) kecil itu lebih sulit serap,'' ujarnya, Selasa (13/3).
Melihat animo masyarakat, Amir mengaku SR-004 masih dilihat sebagai instrumen investasi yang menarik. Akan tetapi, target masyarakat sukuk ritel itu ternyata masih membidik investor besar. ''Dari hasil penjualan SR-004, ternyata masih dilihat sebagai investasi yang menarik. Tapi investor ritel di kota besar itu masih jarang serap,'' ungkapnya.
Dia menilai kurang tertariknya investor ritel dari kota besar tersebut lantaran banyaknya pilihan instrument investasi. Sementara di kota kecil, pilihan instrumen investasi masyarakat relatif terbatas. ''Jadi, kalau mau jual sukuk ritel seharusnya membidik kota-kota kecil,'' ujar dia.
Dalam sepekan penawaran SR-004, Bank Muamalat menjual hingga Rp 50 miliar. Meski sebelumnya tidak menarget nilai penjualan, Direktur Keuangan dan Operasional Bank Muamalat, Hendiarto mengaku capaian tersebut kurang maksimal. ''Masih ada investor yang menahan karena momentumnya tidak pas,'' ungkap dia.
Source: - March 13 2012 - google translate
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