Wednesday, June 27, 2012

INDONESIA - CAPITAL MARKETS - Sovereing Sukuk demand fell 29,6 % - JAKARTA: investor demand for securities in Islamic countries (SBSN) or a state known as sukuk was listed on the auction day only Rp1, 59 trillion, down 29.6% from the previous auction of Rp2, 26 trillion.
Data Directorate General of Debt Management, Ministry of Finance says investors sukuk many countries pursue the tenor of 6 years to reach Rp916 billion PBS001.
Furthermore, incoming requests for the three other series that PBS002, PBS003, and PBS004 each of Rp266 billion, Rp261 billion and Rp150 billion.
The yield investors demanded to be in the range 5.8% -7.88% to 5.81% -7% breakdown for PBS001 series, 6.53% -7% for PBS002 series, 6.94% -7.5% for the series PBS003, and 7.28% -7.87% for the series PBS004.  (source)

Taking into account the coupon rate that investors demand, the government decided only won one series of four series are offered in the auction this time the series of Rp655 billion PBS001 a yield of 5.91% with a weighted rate of return 4.45%.
Imam MS sukuk market watchers said investor interest in sukuk are being driven down the classic problem of liquidity in an illiquid secondary market.
"If the government securities [SUN] when the market could still fall off, but if sukuk hard," he said on Tuesday (26/6).
In addition to problems in the secondary market, he added, bookkeeping aspects of sukuk are also more difficult because at the time recorded in the trading book (FVTPL SFAS 110) must mark to market which is hard to do because of the lack of daily transactions. "So hard to buy and sell them as a thin volume," he said.
He expected high demand for sukuk in the previous auction due to the large liquidity in the banking as it requires the placement.
Banks currently listed into the country's largest sukuk holders reached Rp20, 18 trillion or 21.82% of the total outstanding sukuk amounting to Rp92, 54 trillion.
"To be more liquid secondary market, there should be financial deepening and the issuance of each series must be added," he added. (BSI)

 SUKUK NEGARA: Permintaan turun 29,6%

JAKARTA: Permintaan investor terhadap surat berharga syariah negara (SBSN) atau dikenal dengan sebutan sukuk negara pada lelang hari ini tercatat hanya Rp1,59 triliun, turun 29,6% dari lelang sebelumnya sebesar Rp2,26 triliun.

Data Ditjen Pengelolaan Utang Kemenkeu menyebutkan investor banyak memburu sukuk negera tenor 6 tahun yaitu PBS001 yang mencapai Rp916 miliar.

Selanjutnya, permintaan yang masuk untuk tiga seri lainnya yaitu PBS002, PBS003, dan PBS004 masing-masing sebesar Rp266 miliar, Rp261 miliar, dan Rp150 miliar.

Tingkat yield yang diminta pemodal berada pada kisaran 5,8%-7,88% dengan perincian 5,81%-7% untuk seri PBS001, 6,53%-7% untuk seri PBS002, 6,94%-7,5% untuk seri PBS003, dan 7,28%-7,87% untuk seri PBS004.

Dengan mempertimbangkan tingkat kupon yang diminta investor, pemerintah pun memutuskan hanya memenangkan satu seri dari empat seri yang ditawarkan dalam lelang kali ini yakni seri PBS001 sebesar Rp655 miliar dengan yield tertimbang 5,91% dengan tingkat imbalan 4,45%.

Pengamat pasar sukuk Imam M.S mengatakan minat investor terhadap sukuk memang sedang turun yang dipicu masalah klasik yaitu likuiditas di pasar sekunder yang tidak likuid.

"Kalau surat utang negara [SUN] pada saat market rontok masih bisa dilepas, tapi kalau sukuk susah," katanya, Selasa (26/6).

Selain masalah di pasar sekunder, sambungnya, aspek pembukuan sukuk juga lebih susah karena pada saat dibukukan pada trading book (FVTPL PSAK 110) harus mark to market yang mana susah dilakukan karena minimnya transaksi harian. "Jadi susah beli dan jualnya karena volumenya tipis," ujarnya.

Dia menduga tingginya permintaan sukuk pada lelang sebelumnya disebabkan oleh besarnya likuiditas di perbankan yang saat itu membutuhkan penempatan.

Perbankan saat ini tercatat menjadi pemegang sukuk negara terbesar mencapai Rp20,18 triliun atau 21,82% dari total outstanding sukuk negara sebesar Rp92,54 triliun.

"Agar pasar sekundernya lebih likuid, mesti ada financial deepening dan penerbitan tiap serinya mesti ditambah," tambahnya. (Bsi)

Source: - June 26, 2012 - google translate

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