Wednesday, August 03, 2011

INDONESIA - EVENTS - IAEI Suggests Five Important Things Promote Islamic Economics

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Association of Islamic Economics (IAEI) advise the five important things to advance the Islamic economy country. This was stated in the IAEI Conference that was held last weekend.
One member of IAEI, Agustianto Mingka, said first point related to the development of human resources in Islamic finance. "During this time HR really understand about Islamic finance is still lacking," he told Reuters. (source)
Therefore, the IAEI has asked the government through the Ministry of National Education (Kemendiknas) seriously initiate the development of higher education economics and finance. The reason, workers at an average of Islamic finance has no special education in the field of Islamic economics.
Second, IAEI also saw significant acceleration of Islamic banking market share of up to five percent. Based on data from Bank Indonesia, until July 2011, the Indonesian Sharia banking market share of only about 3.5 percent.
"IAEI BI and the government wanted to enlarge the size of this seriously," he said. Including by allowing fund management hajj, zakat and other religious social funds managed exclusively by Islamic banking.
The third point related to the development of halal products efficiently and completely according to sharia. IAEI expect the dominant role of the House of Representatives (DPR) and the government to immediately complete discussion of Bill (the Bill) of halal products.
Agustianto said it is also related to other bills are being deliberated as the Bill of zakat and haj funds. "So that could be quickly resolved," he said.
Meanwhile, the fourth point is IAEI's time to assess the government to accelerate infrastructure development through its instrument of accession of Islamic finance. The organization is asking the government through Kemeterian Finance (MoF) would soon issue a sukuk infrastructure to encourage economic and dynamics of the real sector.
Last point, IAEI it important for governments to encourage the acceleration of poverty reduction through the development of Islamic microfinance. "Making the legal umbrella for a number of programs in the micro sector is important because it has a direct connection with improving the welfare of small communities," he explained.

IAEI Sarankan Lima Hal Penting Majukan Ekonomi Islam

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011 09:54 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,JAKARTA - Ikatan Ahli Ekonomi Islam (IAEI) menyarakan lima hal penting untuk memajukan ekonomi syariah Tanah Air. Hal ini tertuang dalam hasil Muktamar IAEI yang digelar pada akhir pekan lalu.

Salah satu anggota IAEI, Agustianto Mingka, menyebutkan poin pertama terkait pada pengembangan sumber daya manusia dalam keuangan syariah. “Selama ini SDM yang paham benar tentang keuangan syariah masih kurang,” katanya pada Republika.

Karenanya, IAEI meminta pemerintah melalui Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional (Kemendiknas) serius menginisiasi pengembangan pendidikan tinggi ekonomi dan keuangan syariah. Pasalnya, para pekerja di keuangan Islam rata-rata tidak memiliki pendidikan khusus di bidang ekonomi syariah.

Kedua, IAEI juga memandang penting akselerasi pangsa pasar perbankan syariah hingga lima persen. Berdasarkan data Bank Indonesia, hingga Juli 2011, market share perbankan syariah Indonesia baru sekitar 3,5 persen.

“IAEI ingin BI dan pemerintah serius memperbesar size ini,” tegasnya. Diantaranya dengan membiarkan pengelolaan dana haji, zakat serta dana sosial keagamaan lain dikelola secara ekslusif oleh perbankan syariah.

Poin ketiga terkait pengembangan produk halal secara efisien dan benar-benar sesuai syariah. IAEI mengharapkan peran dominan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) dan pemerintah untuk segera menyelesaikan pembahasan Rancangan Undang-Undang (RUU) produk halal.

Agustianto menuturkan hal tersebut juga terkait dengan RUU lain yang sedang digodok seperti RUU zakat dan dana haji. ”Sehingga bisa cepat diselesaikan,” katanya.

Sementara, poin keempat adalah IAEI menilai sudah saatnya pemerintah mempercepat pembangunan infrasturktur melalui isntrumen ekonomi syariah. Organisasi ini meminta pemerintah melalui Kemeterian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) segera menerbitkan sukuk infrastruktur untuk mendorong ekonomi dan dinamika sektor riil.

Poin terakhir, IAEI memandang penting bagi pemerintah untuk mendorong percepatan penanggulangan kemiskinan melalui pengembangan keuangan mikro syariah. “Pembuatan payung hukum untuk sejumlah program di sektor mikro penting karena memiliki kaitan langsung dengan peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat kecil,” jelasnya.

Source : - Aug 2, 2011 - google translate

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