Friday, November 18, 2011

INDONESIA - TAKAFUL - Sun Life targets portions of sharia to 25% in 2014

JAKARTA: PT Sun Life Financial Indonesia business unit targeting the Islamic contribution reached 25% of total premium income in 2014.

Sun Life Indonesia Country Manager Bert Paterson said the company is optimistic the target will be achieved within a period of 3 years. Contribution of Islamic business units will continue to be improved gradually. (source)

Sun Life to establish life insurance business line with Islamic principles since late last year. As of September 2011, the business unit recorded a premium income of sharia Rp10, 1 billion or 11% of total premium income of the company. Premium income came from sales of two products with unit-linked single premium and regular premium, as well as additional insurance (rider).

"We assess the insurance product with Islamic principles likely to continue to grow. Sun Life will be more incentive to market the products of sharia, "he said, today.

Sun Life will launch four conventional life insurance products with Islamic principles in early next year.

Today, he continued, the licensing process is still ongoing insurance products in the regulator. The Company will hold a banking partner in marketing one of sharia conventional life insurance products. However, he was reluctant to mention the banking partner of the company being ogled. (FAA)

Sun Life kerek porsi syariah hingga 25%


JAKARTA: PT Sun Life Financial Indonesia menargetkan kontribusi unit usaha syariah mencapai 25% dari total pendapatan premi pada 2014.

Country Manager Sun Life Indonesia Bert Paterson mengatakan perseroan optimistis target tersebut akan tercapai dalam jangka waktu 3 tahun. Kontribusi unit usaha syariah akan terus ditingkatkan secara bertahap.

Sun Life mendirikan lini bisnis asuransi jiwa dengan prinsip syariah sejak akhir tahun lalu. Per September 2011, unit usaha syariah membukukan pendapatan premi sebesar Rp10,1 miliar atau 11% dari total pendapatan premi perseroan. Pendapatan premi berasal dari penjualan dua produk unit-linked dengan premi tunggal dan premi berkala, serta asuransi tambahan (rider).

“Kami menilai produk asuransi dengan prinsip syariah berpeluang terus tumbuh. Sun Life akan semakin gencar memasarkan produk syariah,” ujarnya, hari ini.

Sun Life akan meluncurkan empat produk asuransi jiwa konvensional dengan prinsip syariah pada awal tahun depan.

Saat ini, lanjutnya, proses perizinan produk asuransi masih berlangsung di regulator. Perseroan akan menggandeng mitra perbankan dalam memasarkan salah satu produk asuransi jiwa konvensional syariah. Namun, dia enggan untuk menyebutkan mitra perbankan yang sedang dilirik perseroan. (faa)

Source :  - Nov 17, 2011 - google translate

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