Thursday, August 09, 2012

INDONESIA - BANKING - Islamic Finance Industry Need Government Support  - JAKARTA - Indonesia's Islamic financial industry can go fast if it gets government support. With its potential, the Islamic financial industry in the country can shift the Islamic industry in Iran, Malaysia and other countries in the Middle East. Until the first half of 2012, total assets of Islamic financial industry nationwide reach Rp 285 trillion.
This is expressed by the Executive Director of Islamic Banking Bank Indonesia (BI) Eddy Setiadi and Chairman of the Board of the National Islamic Council of Ulama Indonesia (DSN-MUI) KH Ma'ruf Amin when delivering a speech at the conferment ceremony Investor magazine Best Syariah 2012 in Jakarta, Wednesday (8 / 8).  (source)

Setiadi Edy explained, the role of government in countries Middle East and Malaysia in promoting Islamic finance industry is dominant. Support is provided in its entirety, whether in the form of regulation, issuance of sukuk to finance, as well as placement of funds in the Islamic financial institutions.
According to him, although still behind compared to Malaysia and the countries of the Middle East region, the growth of Islamic financial industry in the country is still quite good. "We should be proud that Islamic finance industry in Indonesia at this time could go faster to catch it," he said.
Ma'ruf Amin said the Financial Services Authority (OJK) should have policies that can spur the growth of Islamic finance industry. "That way, the Islamic financial industry can grow and compete in a healthy and fair," he said.

Industri Keuangan Syariah Butuh Dukungan Pemerintah
Oleh Thomas Harefa dan Gita Rossiana | Kamis, 9 Agustus 2012 | 7:23

JAKARTA – Industri keuangan syariah di Indonesia bisa melaju kencang jika mendapat dukungan pemerintah. Dengan potensi yang dimilikinya, industri keuangan syariah di Tanah Air bisa menggeser industri syariah di Iran, Malaysia, dan negara-negara lain di Timur Tengah. Hingga semester I-2012, total aset industri keuangan syariah nasional mencapai Rp 285 triliun.

Hal itu diungkapkan Direktur Eksekutif Perbankan Syariah Bank Indonesia (BI) Edy Setiadi dan Ketua Dewan Syariah Nasional Majelis Ulama Indonesia (DSN-MUI) KH Ma’ruf Amin saat menyampaikan pidato pada acara penganugerahan Best Syariah 2012 majalah Investor di Jakarta, Rabu (8/8).

Edy Setiadi menjelaskan, peran pemerintah di negara-negara kawasan Timur Tengah maupun Malaysia dalam mendorong industri keuangan syariah sangat dominan. Dukungan diberikan secara total, baik dalam bentuk regulasi, penerbitan sukuk untuk pembiayaan, maupun penempatan dana pada institusi keuangan syariah.

Menurut dia, meskipun masih ketinggalan dibandingkan Malaysia maupun negara-negara kawasan Timur Tengah, pertumbuhan industri keuangan syariah di Tanah Air masih cukup baik. “Kita perlu bangga bahwa industri keuangan syariah di Indonesia saat ini bisa melaju kencang untuk mengejar ketertinggalan tersebut,” kata dia.

Ma’ruf Amin mengatakan, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) harus memiliki kebijakan yang bisa memacu pertumbuhan industri keuangan syariah. “Dengan begitu, industri keuangan syariah bisa tumbuh serta berkompetisi secara sehat dan adil,” ujar dia.

Source: - Aug 8, 2012 - google translate

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