This event is in conjunction with the family gathering of Takaful Indonesia and witnessed by the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors and shariah board of Takaful Indonesia, which is also the chairman of Baznaz. They were a live music performance by Haddad Alwi, Vita and Anti.
“This event is conducted in order to strengthen our brotherhood amongst the employees of Takaful Indonesia, as explained by Dadang Sukresna, The President Director of PT Asuransi Takaful Umum (General Takaful).
This event is a collaboration between Takaful Indonesia and Majelis Insan takaful (workers Union) of Takaful Indonesia, in order to have a better relationship between the management and the employees especially the union.
In the meantime, Director PT Asuransi Takaful Keluarga (Takaful Life), Ronny Achmad Iskandar, said that he was proud with the enthusiastic of Takaful employees, “ their walking spirit become our spirit to improve and struggle for the development of Islamic finance in Indonesia”, exclaimed Ronny..
In that occasion, Takaful Indonesia thru its subsidiary, Yayasan Amanah Takaful (YAT) a a foundation, has raised some funds for the injured and the victim of the mount Merapi explosion and the victim of Tsunami in Mentawai, as the Takaful Indonesia showed its condolences and concern for what has happened, and hope the family of the injured is blessed by the strength of our almighty God and be patient to go thru all the troubled that has caused uneasiness in their lives. (Agus Y/nibra)
Source : - Nov 3, 2010
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