Thursday, December 23, 2010

EDUCATION - STEI-SEBI has Produced Graduates in Islamic Economic

Jakarta, (22/12). Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam (STEI) SEBI the fifth graduation ceremony has produced 88 graduates from the faculty of Islamic Economic. This year the theme was “Kontribusi Industri Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia; Tantangan, Visi, dan Arah Kebijakan Kedepan”. (contribution from Indonesia’s Islamic banking Industry, challenge, vision and regulation for the future).

Hendro Wibowo, the organizing committee said that 40 graduates ate from the Islamic economic program and 40 graduates from Islamic accounting program.

Hendro said that it is expected that with the large numbers of the graduates they are able to struggle into the Islamic finance industry.

Hendro said that the best graduate is Molbi Febrio Harsanto from Islamic banking program with GPA 3.74  and from Islamic accounting program best graduates is Untung Kasirin  with GPA 3.73.

“Alhamdulillah, Molbi is now working for Bank Muamalat Indonesia and Untung continue his study in master of economic of Universitas Indonesia,”exclaimed Hendro.[gus/nibra]

Source : - Dec 22, 2010

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