Jakarta (21/11) - PT Bank Muamat Indonesia (BMI) to cooperate with PT Garuda Indonesia in developing the aviation business to the middle east in particular relating to the Hajj and Umrah.
The signing of a memorandum of understanding was conducted by the Director of Retail Bank Muamalat Asharyanto Adrian Gunadi and Director of Marketing and Sales Garuda M. Arif Wibowo witnessed by the Director of the Bank, adding the Arviyan Garuda president director Arifin and Satar was attended by Director of BMI, Arviyan Arifin and Director of Garuda Indonesia, Ermisyah Satar in Jakarta, Monday (21/11). (source)
The signing of a memorandum of understanding was conducted by the Director of Retail Bank Muamalat Asharyanto Adrian Gunadi and Director of Marketing and Sales Garuda M. Arif Wibowo witnessed by the Director of the Bank, adding the Arviyan Garuda president director Arifin and Satar was attended by Director of BMI, Arviyan Arifin and Director of Garuda Indonesia, Ermisyah Satar in Jakarta, Monday (21/11). (source)
Emir expressed by the agreement will provide facilities and other alternatives for passengers in terms of ticket purchase.
With this partnership, he aims to increase the number of passengers to the middle east as much as 100 thousand penumpangang. Until now every year, Garuda will fly the 250 thousand to 300 thousand passengers into the middle east. "To strengthen that potential, we took a prospective business partner is Muamalat. Muamalat What brand is quite famous," he said.
Meanwhile, Adrian optimistic that such cooperation can work well and profitably. Moreover, BMI also has formed a partnership with pilgrimage organizers association.
With the cooperation BMI can provide additional target volume Hajj and Umrah savings of Rp 300 billion. So that the funds in the savings reach $ 1 trillion from Rp 750 billion.
"For fee-based income. We are targeting Rp 3 to 5 billion from this collaboration." he said. (Ul)
Bidik Pasar Haji dan Umroh , BMI Rangkul Garuda
Penandatanganan nota kesepahaman tersebut dilakukan oleh Direktur Retail Bank Muamalat Adrian Asharyanto Gunadi dan Direktur Pemasaran dan Penjualan Garuda M. Arif Wibowo disaksikan oleh Direktur Utama Bank Mualat Arviyan Arifin dan Direktur Utama Garuda Emirsyah Satar dihadiri Direktur Utama BMI, Arviyan Arifin dan Direktur Utama Garuda Indonesia, Ermisyah Satar di Jakarta, Senin (21/11).
Emir mengungkapkan dengan kerjasama tersebut akan memberikan kemudahan dan alternatif lain bagi penumpang dalam hal pembelian tiket.
Dengan adanya kerjasama tersebut, ia menargetkan akan menambah jumlah penumpang ke timur tengah sebanyak 100 ribu penumpangang. Hingga saat ini setiap tahunnya, Garuda dapat menerbangkan 250 ribu sampai 300 ribu penumpang ke timur tengah. "Untuk memperkuat potensi itu, kita menggandeng mitra usaha yang berprospek yaitu Muamalat. Terlebih brand Muamalat cukup terkenal," ujarnya.
Sementara itu, Adrian optimis kerjasama tersebut dapat berjalan baik dan menguntungkan. Terlebih BMI juga sudah menjalin kerjasama dengan asosiasi penyelenggara haji.
Dengan kerjasama tersebut BMI menargetkan dapat memberikan tambahan volume tabungan haji dan umroh sebesar Rp 300 miliar. Sehingga dana pada tabungan tersebut mencapai Rp 1 triliun dari Rp 750 miliar.
"Untuk fee based income. Kami menargetkan Rp 3 sampai 5 miliar dari kerjasama ini." tandasnya. (Ul)
Source : http://www.pkesinteraktif.com/berita/bank/3044-bidik-pasar-haji-dan-umroh--bmi-rangkul-garuda.html - Nov 21, 2011 - google translate
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