Jakarta (14/11) - The World Islamic finance industry is growing rapidly, its presence in ground water was not underestimated. Entering the year 2012, predicted that the Islamic financial industry will be met by the "new faces". This is certainly showing more interest in various circles to come to enliven the industry.
According to Islamic economists, Adiwarman A. Karim said there are three things in Islamic Financial Institutions (LKS), which would be a concern in 2012. First, it would be a lot of standing or multi Islamic financing institutions. Secondly, a lot of insurance companies that spin off from its parent becomes a separate company. Third, a new Islamic bank will stand. (source)
According to Islamic economists, Adiwarman A. Karim said there are three things in Islamic Financial Institutions (LKS), which would be a concern in 2012. First, it would be a lot of standing or multi Islamic financing institutions. Secondly, a lot of insurance companies that spin off from its parent becomes a separate company. Third, a new Islamic bank will stand. (source)
"The establishment of Islamic banks is twofold. Is converting conventional banks into Islamic banks or conventional banks opening Islamic business units. That's 3 things in institutional focus, "he said. (ul)
3 Fokus Kelembagaan Industri Keuangan Syariah di 2012
Menurut pengamat ekonomi syariah, Adiwarman A. Karim mengungkapkan ada 3 hal dalam Lembaga Keuangan Syariah (LKS) yang akan menjadi perhatian di tahun 2012. Pertama, akan banyak berdiri lembaga pembiayaan atau multifinance syariah. Kedua, akan banyak perusahaan asuransi syariah yang spin off dari induknya menjadi perusahaan tersendiri. Ketiga, akan berdiri bank syariah baru.
“Pendirian bank syariah ini ada dua. Apakah mengkonversi bank konvensional menjadi bank syariah atau bank konvensional membuka unit usaha syariah. Itulah 3 hal di kelembagaan yang menjadi fokus,” tandasnya. (ul)
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