Saturday, February 11, 2012

INDONESIA - TAKAFUL - Asuransi CAR enlarges sharia business line - JAKARTA: Life insurer PT Asuransi Jiwa Central Asia Raya will enlarge its sharia business line by strengthening its distribution network through bancassurance and retail.

The company expects a premium revenue of IDR35 billion from the sharia business line this year, tripling last year’s figure of IDR10 billion, said Antony Japari, Marketing Director and Chief Marketing Officer.

Antony said the sharia insurance business potentials are still huge here. Moreover, the Islamic-based insurance is not limited to certain religion and can attract general customers. (source)

In addition to providing insurance and unit link products, CAR also offers sharia loans under partnership with sharia banks.

“We look for opportunities through cooperation with sharia banks. We have already partnered with some sharia banks, such as Bank Syariah Mandiri and Bank Muamalat. We will get new partners, some are currently in talks but we cannot reveal them as yet,” he told Bisnis Wednesday.

The sharia business line contributes about 5%-10% to revenue, he admitted. However, the business line always shows a significant growth every year.

“Since it was first launched 4 years ago, the sharia business line has always grown exponentially. The growth may be 30%-40% annually. Sharia business line will develop.”

He did not rule out the possibility of a spin-off when the regulation requires it.

As reported earlier, CAR is the leader of a consortium that provides insurance services to Indonesian migrant workers, according to Labor Minister Decision No. 209/Men/IX/2010.

Other insurers in the consortium are PT Asuransi Umum Mega, PT Asuransi Harta Aman Pratama, PT Asuransi and Tugu Kresna Pratama.

The consortium also includes PT Asuransi LIG, PT Asuransi Raya, PT Asuransi Ramayana, PT Asuransi Purna Artanugraha, PT Asuransi Takaful Keluarga, and PT Asuransi Relife as providers of protection for migrant workers. (T04/msw)
Source:  - Jan 19, 2012

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