Wednesday, April 11, 2012

INDONESIA - RATNGS - Pefindo : Bank Nagari - PEFINDO affirmed its “idA” rating of PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Sumatera Barat or Bank Nagari (BPSB or the Bank) as well as the rating of its outstanding Bond VI/2010 of IDR500 billion. At the same time, PEFINDO also affirmed its “idA(sy)” rating of the Bank’s Sukuk Mudharabah I/2010 of IDR100 billion and its “idA-” rating of the Bank’s outstanding subordinated Debt I/2010 of IDR 81 billion. Outlook for the corporate rating is “stable”. The ratings reflect strong and proven support from the Bank’s shareholders, its strong market position in the region, and relatively strong profitability. However, the ratings are constrained by the Bank’s relatively high non-performing loans, below average liquidity indicators, and intensifying competition in the region. (source)

BPSB is the regional development bank in the Province of West Sumatra. The Bank offers complete banking services including corporate, commercial, consumer, micro/retail, treasury, and sharia. As of December 31, 2011, the Bank’s shareholder structure comprised of Provincial Government of West Sumatra (36.79%), Regency Government of West Sumatra (62.09%) and BPSB’s Employees Cooperative (1.12%).

Rating Period: March 21, 2012 – March 1, 2013
Contact Analyst: Hotma Parulian Manalu & Hendro Utomo

Source : - April 10, 2012

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