Wednesday, May 09, 2012

INDONESIA - EVENTS - Grow more rapidly - BANDUNG: The growth of Islamic banking reached 40.2% compared to conventional banks that only about 16.7% in the last 5 years, and as of March total assets of Rp152, 3 trillion.

Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia Halim Alamsyah said today it believes Islamic banks can provide significant benefits in economic development, financial system stability and social welfare.

"Total global Islamic banking assets reached U.S. $ 639 billion in 2008, grew by 29% in 2009 to reach Rp822 billion," he said in a Bank Indonesia International seminar on Islamic Finance, at the Hilton Hotel, London, Monday, May 7, 2012. (full story)

According to Halim, the growth of Islamic banking is more conventional than the world's top 1,000 banks by asset growth rate is only about 6% -7%.

Islamic Bank, he said, should focus on the real sector of the market so the more impact on economic growth.

He said the focus on the real economy has been able to reduce the risk of "potential bubble" in the economy and the "decoupling" between the financial sector and real sector.

Islamic financial system was now one of Indonesia's business model is growing thanks to the demand of the real sector. (ra)

PERBANKAN SYARIAH: Tumbuh lebih pesat


BANDUNG : Pertumbuhan perbankan syariah mencapai 40,2% dibandingkan dengan bank konvensional yang hanya sekitar 16,7% dalam 5 tahun terakhir ini, dan per Maret total aset mencapai Rp152,3 triliun.

Deputi Gubernur Bank Indonesia Halim Alamsyah mengatakan saat ini pihaknya percaya perbankan syariah mampu memberikan manfaat yang signifikan dalam perkembangan ekonomi, kestabilan sistem keuangan dan kesejahteraan sosial.

"Total aset perbankan syariah global mencapai US$639 miliar pada 2008, tumbuh sekitar 29% pada tahun 2009 yang mencapai Rp822 miliar," katanya dalam seminar International Bank Indonesia mengenai Islamic Finance, di Hotel Hilton, Bandung, Senin 7 Mei 2012.

Menurut Halim, pertumbuhan perbankan syariah lebih besar dibandingkan 1.000 bank konvensional top dunia dengan laju pertumbuhan aset hanya sekitar 6%-7%.

Bank Syariah, lanjutnya, harus memfokuskan terhadap pasar sektor riil sehingga lebih berdampak terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Dia menuturkan fokus terhadap sektor riil ini pun mampu mengurangi adanya risiko "potential buble" dalam perekonomian dan "decoupling" antara sektor keuangan dan sektor riil.

Sistem keuangan syariah pun kini menjadi salah satu model bisnis di Indonesia yang tumbuh berkat adanya permintaan dari sektor riil. (ra)

Source :  - May 8, 2012 - google translate

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