Jakarta (14/12) - Bank Indonesia (BI) is targeting Indonesia Islamic banking assets would reach Rp200 trillion by the end of 2012. These assets will be followed by a growth financing and Third Party Funds (TPF).
"In the late baseline total assets of Islamic banking could reach Rp180 trillion at the end of the year. The pessimistic alone can reach Rp177 trillion, or if it could be over optimistic about Rp200 trillion," said BI Deputy Governor Halim Alamsyah during a press conference at the House Bank, Jakarta, Wednesday (14/12). (source)
"In the late baseline total assets of Islamic banking could reach Rp180 trillion at the end of the year. The pessimistic alone can reach Rp177 trillion, or if it could be over optimistic about Rp200 trillion," said BI Deputy Governor Halim Alamsyah during a press conference at the House Bank, Jakarta, Wednesday (14/12). (source)
For financing, the central bank aims to grow by about 60% moderate Rp 170 trillion. Target pessimistic about 56% of Rp 165 trillion and about 79% optimistic target of Rp 179 trillion.
Meanwhile, for DPK, optimistically targeting BI can grow up to 78-79% of Rp198, 6 trillion, or 63% a moderate growth of Rp180, 6 and pessimistic at Rp171 trillion, 5 trillion or an increase of 55% compared to this year.
To achieve the growth target this year, BI has six strategies for the development of sharia banking in Indonesia. Six strategy is the strengthening of Islamic banking intermediation to productive economic sectors and the development and enrichment of Islamic banking products are more focused.
"We also support the improvement strategies with the parent bank to continue to develop the institutional infrastructure of Islamic finance, improved education and communication-focused equality and distinctiveness, increase good governance and risk management of Islamic banking activities, and strengthening the surveillance system," he said.
Aset Perbankan Syariah Rp 200 T di 2012
Jakarta (14/12)- Bank Indonesia (BI) menargetkan aset perbankan syariah Indonesia akan mencapai Rp200 triliun pada akhir tahun 2012. Aset ini akan diikuti oleh pertumbuhan pembiayaan dan Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK).
"Di akhir tahun total aset perbankan syariah baseline bisa mencapai Rp180 triliun di akhir tahun. Secara pesimisnya saja bisa mencapai Rp177 triliun atau jika optimistis bisa di atas Rp200 triliun," ujar Deputi Gubernur BI Halim Alamsyah saat konferensi pers di Gedung BI, Jakarta, Rabu (14/12).
Untuk pembiayaan, BI menargetkan akan tumbuh secara moderat sekitar 60% sebesar Rp 170 triliun. Target pesimis sekitar 56% sebesar Rp 165 triliun dan target optimis sekitar 79% sebesar Rp 179 triliun.
Sedangkan untuk DPK, secara optimistis BI menargetkan bisa tumbuh hingga 78-79% sebesar Rp198,6 triliun, atau secara moderat tumbuh 63% sebesar Rp180,6 triliun dan pesimistis sebesar Rp171,5 triliun atau tumbuh 55% dibandingkan tahun ini.
Untuk mewujudkan target pertumbuhan di tahun ini, BI mempunyai enam strategi untuk pengembangan perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Enam strategi itu adalah penguatan intermediasi perbankan syariah kepada sektor ekonomi produktif dan pengembangan dan pengayaan produk perbankan syariah yang lebih terarah.
"Kita juga mendukung peningkatan strategi dengan bank induk dengan tetap mengembangkan infrastruktur kelembagaan bisnis syariah, peningkatan edukasi dan komunikasi yang berfokus kesetaraan dan distinctiveness, peningkatan good governance dan pengelolaan risiko kegiatan usaha perbankan syariah, serta penguatan sistem pengawasan," tandasnya.
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