Friday, February 10, 2012

INDONESIA - BANKING - REGULATIONS - BI eases Islamic banking to boost SME

WWW.REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Bank Indonesia (BI) is ready to ease some provisions to help Islamic banking distributing its financing to Small and Medium Enterprise (SME). The measure is expected to boost the financing in SME sector.

The flexibility is given to Islamic banking providing mudharabah and musyarakah arrangements. The customers, for example, can payback the installment of financing at the end of the period. “For example, in two year contract, the customers pay off by the end of the second year,” the The Director of Directorate of Islamic Banking BI, Mulya Effendi Siregar, said.  (source)

The flexibility in installment payment eases the bank, because the payment is paid every month. However, Siregar said, the banking are obliged to monitor the SME regularly. “We suggest the Islamic banking to conduct the monitoring or evaluation in certain period, once in three or six months,” he said. The monitoring aims at, anticipating unexpected problems that may occur within the financing scheme.

Source:  - Feb 8, 2012

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