Saturday, February 11, 2012

INDONESIA - EDUCATION - HR major problem - JAKARTA: The lack of human resources trained in Islamic economics was not only a problem in Indonesia. The same problem also occurs in many countries that have Islamic finance industry.
Alfatih Gessan Pananjung WA, Senior Lecturer Bahrain Institute of Banking Finance, said the shortage of human resources (HR) property on the Islamic finance industry continues to be exposed through mass media.
"Some of the world's mass media has always raised the issue of lack of human resources in the Islamic economy because it is one of the problems that occur at this time," he said in a seminar Sustainable Strategies of Sharia Banking in Indonesia in Response to the Global Economic Challenges, today. (source)

According to him, the human resources industry is an important asset in favor of sharia in business development. "HR is an important factor in maintaining the performance and competitiveness in the Islamic finance industry," he said.
He added human resources in the world of Islamic finance is different from conventional finance because they have to integrate the spiritual Islam, in addition to the development of banking knowledge and expertise. "Education and training is the key solution to solve this problem."
Availability of human resources in Islamic banking is one of the problems that plagued the industry over the years. In the next five years, the Islamic financial industry needs about 40,000 to support human resource development projected industry is still growing as fast as 3 years.
In the last five years the Islamic banking industry grew 37.9% last year and specially recorded 48.35%. (Tw)

SDM jadi masalah utama


JAKARTA: Kurangnya sumber daya manusia terdidik dalam ekonomi syariah ternyata bukan hanya menjadi masalah di Indonesia. Masalah yang sama juga terjadi pada banyak negara yang memiliki industri keuangan syariah.

Alfatih Gessan Pananjung WA, Dosen Senior Bahrain Institute of Banking Finance, mengatakan masalah kekurangan sumber daya manusia (SDM) intelektual pada industri keuangan syariah terus diekspose melalui media massa.

"Sejumlah media massa besar di dunia selalu mengangkat masalah kekurangan SDM pada ekonomi syariah karena itu merupakan salah satu masalah yang terjadi saat ini," ujarnya dalam seminar Sustainable Strategies of Sharia Banking in Indonesia in Response to The Global Economic Challenges, hari ini.

Menurutnya, SDM merupakan aset terpenting dalam industri syariah dalam mendukung perkembangan bisnis. "SDM merupakan faktor penting dalam mempertahankan kinerja dan daya saing dalam industri keuangan syariah," ujarnya.

Dia menambahkan SDM dalam dunia ekonomi syariah berbeda dengan keuangan konvensional karena harus mengintegrasikan spiritual Islam, selain pengembangan pengetahuan dan keahlian perbankan. "Pendidikan dan latihan merupakan solusi kunci untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini."

Ketersediaan SDM dalam perbankan syariah merupakan salah satu masalah yang mendera industri selama ini. Dalam lima tahun mendatang, industri keuangan syariah membutuhkan sekitar 40.000 SDM guna mendukung perkembangan industri yang diproyeksi masih tumbuh secepat 3 tahun terakhir.

Dalam lima tahun terakhir industri perbankan syariah tumbuh 37,9% dan khusus tahun lalu tercatat 48,35%. (tw)

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