Wednesday, May 09, 2012

INDONESIA - BANKING - Office channeling BRI Syariah will be 500 units - BANDUNG. BRI Syariah targeting to open 438 new office channeling along this year. The effort was intended to boost the contribution of micro finance business recorded was less than 15% of the total financing of companies whose reach Rp 11 trillion per first quarter of 2012.

The reason, Eko B Suharno, Director of BRI Syariah express, micro financing business recorded a rapid growth, ie 60% to Rp 1.3 trillion to the end of March this year. Therefore, the development of the business should be supported by an extensive network of offices.

"At this time, BRI Syariah new office channeling as much as 62 units. Expected, to 500 units by the end of the year. Expansion of the network in this way is still cheaper than opening a branch office or branch," he said on Tuesday (8/5). (source)

Meanwhile, the placement office channeling would follow its main office network, namely PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BBRI). That means staying BRI provides training to human resources are there to learn the business model of sharia.

For your information, per quarter, BRI Syariah posted a third-party funds amounting to Rp 9 trillion. Composition of the deposit of funds still dominate the alias expensive to Rp 6 trillion. Low-cost funds, such as saving of Rp 1.5 trillion, and the remainder from current accounts.

Office channeling BRI Syariah bakal jadi 500 unit

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Office channeling BRI Syariah bakal jadi 500 unit

BANDUNG. BRI Syariah menargetkan dapat membuka 438 office channeling baru di sepanjang tahun ini. Upaya itu dimaksudkan untuk menggenjot kontribusi bisnis pembiayaan mikro yang tercatat masih kurang dari 15% terhadap total pembiayaan perseroan yang mencapai Rp 11 triliun per kuartal pertama 2012.

Pasalnya, Eko B Suharno, Direktur BRI Syariah mengungkapkan, bisnis pembiayaan mikronya membukukan pertumbuhan pesat, yaitu 60% menjadi Rp 1,3 triliun sampai akhir Maret tahun ini. Karenanya, perkembangan bisnis itu harus didukung dengan jaringan kantor yang luas.

"Saat ini, office channeling BRI Syariah baru sebanyak 62 unit. Diharapkan, menjadi 500 unit pada akhir tahun nanti. Perluasan jaringan dengan cara ini masih lebih murah ketimbang pembukaan kantor cabang atau cabang pembantu," ujarnya, Selasa (8/5).

Adapun, penempatan office channeling bakal mengikuti jaringan kantor induk usahanya, yakni PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BBRI). Itu artinya, BRI tinggal memberikan pelatihan kepada sumber daya manusia yang ada untuk mempelajari model bisnis syariah.

Sekadar informasi, per kuartal pertama, BRI Syariah membukukan dana pihak ketiga sebesar Rp 9 triliun. Komposisi dana mahal alias deposito masih mendominasi hingga Rp 6 triliun. Dana murah, seperti tabungan sebesar Rp 1,5 triliun, dan sisanya berasal dari giro.

Source:  - May 8, 2012 - google translate

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