Wednesday, May 09, 2012

INDONESIA - BANKING - ISLAMIC BRI service offices are targeting to achieve 500 units year-end - BANDUNG: PT BRI Syariah Islamic targeting additional service outlets to reach 500 units by the end of 2012.

Currently, the service units totaling 62 units sharia scattered branches holding company of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. Meanwhile, the number of branch offices reached 103.

Director of BRI Syariah Eko B. Suharno said it increased the number of service units in order to attract more Islamic Bank BRI customers in remote areas. (source)

According to him, the cost of extending care unit attached to sharia branch offices holding company of somewhat less expensive than the establishment of branch offices.

"We want to be known by the public, especially the customers of Bank BRI. Model penetration thus considered more effective and efficient," he said, today Tuesday, May 8, 2012.

BRI Syariah only need to provide training to employees of Bank BRI as an HR personnel of Islamic banking.

The addition of these Sharia service unit is an effort by the company increase the contribution of micro-finance business which is still less than 15% of the total funding per quarter I/2012 Rp11 trillion.

During the first three months of 2012, BRI Syariah posted a third-party funds Rp9 trillion. Still dominate the composition of the deposits up to Rp 6 trillion, the savings amounted to Rp1, 5 trillion, and the rest coming from the gyro. (FAA)

BRI SYARIAH targetkan kantor pelayanan capai 500 unit akhir tahun


BANDUNG: PT BRI Syariah menargetkan penambahan outlet pelayanan syariah mencapai 500 unit hingga akhir 2012.

Saat ini, unit pelayanan syariah berjumlah 62 unit yang tersebar di kantor cabang induk usaha PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. Adapun, jumlah cabang mencapai 103 kantor.

Direktur BRI Syariah Eko B. Suharno mengatakan pihaknya menambah jumlah unit pelayanan syariah guna menggaet lebih banyak nasabah Bank BRI di pelosok daerah.

Menurutnya, biaya perluasan unit pelayanan syariah yang menempel pada kantor cabang induk usaha terbilang lebih murah dibandingkan dengan pendirian kantor cabang.

"Kami ingin lebih dikenal oleh masyarakat, terutama nasabah Bank BRI. Model penetrasi demikian dinilai lebih efektif dan efisien," katanya, hari ini Selasa 8 Mei 2012.

BRI Syariah hanya perlu memberikan pelatihan kepada pegawai Bank BRI sebagai tenaga SDM perbankan syariah.

Penambahan unit pelayanan syariah ini merupakan salah satu upaya perseroan meningkatkan kontribusi bisnis pembiayaan mikro yang masih kurang dari 15% dari total pembiayaan per triwulan I/2012 Rp11 triliun.

Selama 3 bulan pertama 2012, BRI Syariah membukukan dana pihak ketiga sebesar Rp9 triliun. Komposisi deposito masih mendominasi hingga Rp6 triliun, tabungan berjumlah Rp1,5 triliun, dan sisanya berasal dari giro. (faa)

Source: - May 8, 2012 - google translate

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