Wednesday, May 09, 2012

INDONESIA - BANKING - Gold Pawn Islamic banks fell 12% - BANDUNG. Settling gold pawn business have a significant impact to the Islamic bank. See, during the first quarter of 2012, gold-backed financing qardh down 12% compared to the position in December 2011 (year to date / ytd). Worth only Rp 11.4 trillion, from Rp 13 trillion previously.
This shrinkage was significant because in previous periods, or before the application of new rules, pledge gold to grow around 15% - 20% per quarter.
Bank Indonesia (BI) is a new rule issued by the end of February 2012. But revamping the standard operating procedure (SOP) pawning gold has been going on since September 2011. (source)

Coupled with a tightening of the suspension (moratorium) pawning gold in Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM), BNI and BRI Islamic Sharia. Because the main players is compromised, the bank's business syariahpun hit.
However, the three banks are now selling more products belle of Islamic banks since mid-March 2012 ago. "When viewed from the annual growth rate (year on year), qardh gold backed securities increased 70%. However, from the end of last year fell 12%," he said yesterday.
Through Circular Letter No. 14/7/DPBS, the central bank tightening. Among other things, finance a maximum of Rp 250 million, finance to Value (FTV) a maximum of 80% of the estimated price of gold is mortgaged and the maximum period of 4 months with two renewal options.
Based on BI data, shariah banking industry total financing of the first quarter of 2012 reached Rp 109.1 trillion or an increase of 46% (yoy). A total of 61% flow to the murabaha product and 30% to mudarabah products and Musharaka. While the rest dispersed to various products, such as ijara, istishna and qardh.
These data confirm that the business portfolio qardh still less than 10%. This composition is in line with the expectations of regulators, who want a more dominant financing productive. "We are making new rules, not only in order to avoid speculation, and to increase funding in the productive sector," said Edy.
Deterioration in mortgage visible gold in BNI Syariah. Mortgage financing of gold fell by 64% from Rp 590 billion at the end of 2011 to around USD 210 billion at the end of March 2012.
Bambang Widjanarko, Director of BNI Syariah said, there are three factors causing seretnya mortgage business. First, the business activity that had ceased to operate for five months. Second, restrictions on the distribution of mortgage financing up to USD 250 million in gold. Third, the gold price does not always shine last year. In fact, tend to fall in recent months.
"Always against the strengthening U.S. dollar. As a result, customers are less enthusiastic on gold mortgage financing products," said Bambang.
Hanawijaya, BSM director, previously said it is considering financing pledge of gold this year will not repeat the feat last year reached Rp 2.2 trillion. The reason he, the new rules make the mortgage market segment more narrow gold.
Moreover, continued Hanawijaya, new BSM reopen mortgage services emaspada 9 April 2012, since stalled in November 2011. "This year, continuing the rest of the debit balance of Rp 1.3 trillion, and additional gold mortgage financing target this year of Rp 1 trillion," he said.

Gadai emas bank syariah turun 12%

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Gadai emas bank syariah turun 12% BANDUNG. Pembenahan bisnis gadai emas berdampak signifikan ke bank syariah. Lihat saja, sepanjang kuartal I-2012, pembiayaan qardh beragun emas turun 12% dibandingkan posisi Desember 2011 (year to date/ytd). Nilainya hanya Rp 11,4 triliun, dari sebelumnya Rp 13 triliun.
Penyusutan ini terlihat signifikan lantaran pada periode-periode sebelumnya, atau sebelum pemberlakuan aturan baru, gadai emas tumbuh sekitar 15% - 20% per kuartal.
Bank Indonesia (BI) memang baru menerbitkan aturan pada akhir Februari 2012. Tetapi pembenahan prosedur operasi standar (SOP) gadai emas sudah berlangsung sejak September 2011.
Pengetatan dibarengi dengan penghentian sementara (moratorium) gadai emas di Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM), BNI Syariah dan BRI Syariah. Karena pemain utamanya terganggu, bisnis bank syariahpun terpukul.
Namun, ketiga bank ini kini sudah menjajakan lagi produk primadona bank syariah itu sejak pertengahan Maret 2012 silam. "Kalau dilihat dari laju pertumbuhan tahunan (year on year), qardh beragun emas meningkat 70%. Namun, dari akhir tahun lalu turun 12%," ujarnya, kemarin.
Melalui Surat Edaran Nomor 14/7/DPBS, BI melakukan pengetatan. Antara lain, pembiayaan maksimal sebesar Rp 250 juta, finance to Value (FTV) maksimal 80% dari harga taksiran emas yang digadaikan dan jangka waktu maksimal 4 bulan dengan dua kali opsi perpanjangan.
Berdasarkan data BI, total pembiayaan industri perbankan syariah kuartal I-2012 mencapai Rp 109,1 triliun atau naik 46% (yoy). Sebanyak 61% mengalir ke produk murabahah dan 30% ke produk mudarabah dan musyarakah. Sedangkan sisanya tersebar ke berbagai produk, antara lain ijarah, istishna dan qardh.
Data itu mengonfirmasi bahwa portofolio bisnis qardh masih kurang dari 10%. Komposisi ini masih sejalan dengan harapan regulator, yang menginginkan pembiayaan produktif lebih dominan. "Kami membuat aturan baru, bukan saja demi menghindari spekulasi, juga untuk memperbesar pembiayaan di sektor produktif," imbuh Edy.
Penuruan gadai emas terlihat di BNI Syariah. Pembiayaan gadai emas anjlok hingga 64% dari sebesar Rp 590 miliar pada akhir 2011 menjadi hanya sekitar Rp 210 miliar pada akhir Maret 2012.
Bambang Widjanarko, Direktur BNI Syariah menuturkan, ada tiga faktor penyebab seretnya bisnis gadai. Pertama, aktivitas usaha itu sempat berhenti beroperasi selama lima bulan. Kedua, pembatasan penyaluran pembiayaan gadai emas maksimal Rp 250 juta. Ketiga, harga emas tidak se-kinclong tahun lalu. Bahkan, cenderung turun dalam beberapa bulan belakangan.
"Selalu berlawanan dengan penguatan dollar AS. Alhasil, nasabah kurang antusias pada produk pembiayaan gadai emas," terang Bambang.
Hanawijaya, Direktur BSM, sebelumnya mengatakan, pihaknya sudah memperhitungkan pembiayaan gadai emas tahun ini tidak akan mengulangi prestasi tahun lalu yang mencapai Rp 2,2 triliun. Alasan dia, aturan baru membuat segmen pasar gadai emas semakin sempit.
Apalagi, sambung Hanawijaya, BSM baru membuka kembali layanan gadai emaspada 9 April 2012, sejak terhenti pada November 2011. "Tahun ini, melanjutkan sisa baki debet Rp 1,3 triliun, dan tambahan target pembiayaan gadai emas tahun ini sebesar Rp 1 triliun," ujarnya.

Source: - May 9, 2012 - google translate

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