Wednesday, December 22, 2010

EDUCATION - CAPITAL MARKETS - 100 Participants Were Attending the Shariah Capital Market

Jakarta (20/12) to encourage public awareness for capital market transactions as one of investment instruments. The  Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah (MES) has conducted such training for the beginners which participated by 100 individuals.

Capital market is well known as the game for the investors only although not all capital market players is investors. This wrong image is to be changed as explained by Ahmad Iqbal from MES, furthermore Iqbal said that the capital market is belong to all layers in society and it could be beneficial for public at large for business purposes.

“That is one of benefit for capital market training,”said Iqbal.

In relate to Islamic capital market training, Iqbal said that in so far there is public opinion that capital market is not complied with the principle of shariah, since there is a speculation in the transaction, yet the training also discussed the shariah value of Islamic capital market as well.

Currently we have Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) where the listed companies are the shariah complaint companies.

“Apart from capital market, the discussion were about the shariah contract in capital market transactions as the basic benefit of the training”, explained Iqbal.

The participants were so delightful to have training in Islamic capital market which is more advance transaction for their own self enrichment. (Agus Y/Nibra)

Source : - Dec 20, 2010

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